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Private donors abled us to complete the purchase of premises for a new headquarters in 2007 by providing ŻԪ£¨·ûºÅ²»ÄÜÏÔʾ£©250,000 for this purpose. Sanofi Aventis again showed its strong commitment to defending press freedom with a gift of ŻԪ600,000 to pay for production of a special limited edition of the Studio Harcourt book of photos and to fund the wall newspaper Qui-Vive! We also received donations from Benetton, the French distribution firm CFAO and the Zeta Group, which awarded Reporters Without Borders its Antonio Asensio Prize.

Donations by private foundations (the Soros Fondation, the Center for a Free Cuba, the National Endowment for Democracy and the Fondation de France) decreased slightly as a result of some projects (such as the Handbook for Bloggers and reproduction of the paper De Cuba) being discontinued.

Private donors accounted for 24% of the combined income of Reporters Without Borders in 2006, down from 27% in 2005.

Public grants

These fell very slightly, to 9% of total income (from 10% in 2005). The money came from the French prime minister¡¯s office, the French foreign ministry and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.

Some partners give us vital help in kind:

The Reporters Without Borders books of photographs rely on a network of partners:

The French NMPP, SNDP and UNDP press distributors, the Relay chain and Interforum Editis distribute the books free of charge, and France Rail, AAP and Insert handle promotion.

France Loisirs sells the books of photos to its members without taking a commission, through its network of bookshops and its catalogue.

The Fnac, Carrefour, Casino, Monoprix and Cora supermarkets, the Internet websites alapage.com, fnac.com and amazon.fr, along with A2Presse and more than 300 bookshops in France sell them.

The Saatchi & Saatchi agency designs and conducts all our media campaigns.

Many media outlets give us great help by providing free publicity for our media campaigns throughout the year.
Ïà¹ØÁ´½Ó: http://www.rsf.org
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