新手问问题最近刚开了POEMS的帐户,开户的时候放了1000的initial deposit,用这1000买了支股票。
1。 Outstanding Position里面显示了我买的股票,可是Due Date栏显示了T+3的日期。
请问这个Due Date是做什么的? 不是只有卖空才有T+3的due date么?在Online help里面看到这样一句话
When are the shares bought due for delivery?
All shares purchased will be due for delivery on transaction + 3 market days (T+3).
2。 Account Details里面Available Cash没有减掉买股票的钱。 请问我到底买到这支股票了没有啊? Online help里面有这个的问答
When does payment have to be made for shares bought?
Payments can be made anytime within the 3 market days settlement period. However, all
payments must reach us no later than 3 market days from the date of transaction by 5.00pm. If payment is not received by due date, the contract will be forced-sold by the company without notification。
请问如果poems account里面有钱,卖股票的时候是不是就已经make payment了?
[bizlogic (3-13 11:49, Long long ago)]
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先买后付。你现在买了,钱还没付。broker会等你用银行付,你要是不付,+3交易日以后,broker才会去account 扣。
原则是+3,实际更长,看各个broker了。你最好看清楚自己的交易手册。[树冷 (3-13 12:04, Long long ago)]
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