英国《金融时报》保罗·J·戴维斯(Paul J Davies)报道
2006年1月10日 星期二
因涉嫌夸大3000万英镑(合5300万美元)交易头寸而接受德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)质询的一位衍生金融产品交易员,曾是印度一所顶尖商学院学业优秀的奖学金获得者。
安舒尔·鲁斯塔奇(Anshul Rustagi),又名鲁斯蒂(Rusty),2003年从勒克瑙印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management)班加罗尔校区毕业时,曾获得这所学院颁发的“未来领袖”二等奖学金。
[fortitude (1-12 0:11, Long long ago)]
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mismarking profit can be a serious criminal if it was intentionali am no expert in this but look at what Nick Leeson has done to Baring Bank.
But its probably too early to judge this case yet. Even those on Wallstreet are having no clue about his intention. Some suggested that he was made a scapegoat to cover some bigger issue. Some feel it could be only a mistake in correlation input, because his action did not result in any loss from either his clients or DB. On the other hand, the shear amount (GBP 30m for a junior trader) plus the fact that it escape all internal control for 2 months suggest that things could be fishy. Well we have to wait and see. [削竹 (1-12 18:16, Long long ago)]
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(引用 削竹:mismarking profit can be a serious criminal if it was intentionali am no expert in this but look at what Nick Leeson has done to...)So does it mean the DB controllersHave failed to perform their job properly??[Dougan (1-13 11:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼