(引用 大象:interesting, there are a lot of such person in local companiesjust try to let the boss know that he is only a job dispatcher and...)最好不要在众人面前指责你的同事。。。这样会让他下不了台,对你怀恨在心,以后的事就很难搞了。
没办法拉,新人都是这样地,要从被压榨的教训中学会压榨别人。哈哈![老火锅 (3-11 1:44, Long long ago)]
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(引用 香陵居士:I think it may be viewed in another wayIf this person really knows nothing and he still can hold his position in company. Then ...)显然是存在即合理的心态在作怪
[门中木 (11-12 22:18, Long long ago)]
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