实在很困惑,请大家提供些意见,万分感谢![老火锅 (3-10 23:31, Long long ago)]
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5 year is quite longI am not sure which area you are in but generally they will not only select by years of working experience but also, and more importantly on qualifications.
If you are in networking. I would rather say if you do not have CCIE it might be a bit hard, but you can also get offer if you have proven sound background. (e.g. consultant in large ISP or large bank).
For the working pressure it depends. Some yes some no, but generally if you are doing support you will be under pressure when there is problem as they are losing money. If you are in R&D, the pressure will be acceptable.[香陵居士 (3-11 0:39, Long long ago)]
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(引用 香陵居士:5 year is quite longI am not sure which area you are in but generally they will not only select by years of working experience b...)我现在做Wall Street System分析与咨询虽然还不是很熟悉整个系统,但是对其金融专业知识还是有一定了解。
客户是一美国银行的IT部门,很难摆平,但是也学到不少处理客户关系的经验。幸运的是,我的direct user对我很友善,受益颇多,真得很感激。
我觉得要完全了解整个Wall Street System至少要3年的时间,但是我有点等不及了,毕竟现在的收入生活压力还是很大的。[老火锅 (3-11 0:58, Long long ago)]
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(引用 老火锅:我现在做Wall Street System分析与咨询虽然还不是很熟悉整个系统,但是对其金融专业知识还是有一定了解。 客户是一美国银行的IT部门,很...)Not quite sure, actually your experience is higher than meI think your experience is enough for a try. But note that a lot of financing institutions recruit via agencies or outsourced to other IT specialized companies, so if you never see the name but they are offering high salary, it is possible that it is for a bank.[香陵居士 (3-11 2:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
are you sin graduat?ur masters degree in Sin or CN? 5 yrs exp just secured 55k, no good lah. you should think about a new job.[bull12345 (3-11 12:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
(引用 香陵居士:Not quite sure, actually your experience is higher than meI think your experience is enough for a try. But note that a lot of f...)good point [flyover (3-11 14:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼
(引用 bull12345:are you sin graduat?ur masters degree in Sin or CN? 5 yrs exp just secured 55k, no good lah. you should think about a new job.)我觉得还可以阿我是在新加坡拿的硕士学位,当时考虑到自己没有金融专业知识背景,抱着学习的态度进的这家公司,福利也算不错了。
你觉得我现在这种经验大概拿多少算是Good呢?[老火锅 (3-11 14:38, Long long ago)]
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to put it short, it varies tremendously between different departments.[ropin (3-19 1:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼
现在在EDS做? [flyover (3-21 2:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼
(引用 ropin:to put it short, it varies tremendously between different departments.)it depends as well :P[guo_er (3-26 9:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼
据我所知,银行给的薪水还可以,但是一般中介要拿走一些,所以最好找direct contract的了
1 year senior engineer目前这个薪水到差不多。有的银行还给不了哪
一般银行都是养老的,所以吗,工作压力都不算大(呵呵,我个人认为) 加不加班要看项目了,一般要加班,因为大家都不是很卖力啊,所以就摇摇托托,一般7 8 点肯定都可以走了
有个证书很管用的啊,尤其是什么OCP,基本上是可以拿到6000,然后每天很逍遥啊,当然前提是本事要有啊[无聊2 (4-10 23:16, Long long ago)]
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汗, 要是哪家公司给我这么多我马上投靠。。。><我想问问在这种公司做的话,以后的职业道路是咋样的,多谢。。。[西蜀霸王 (4-10 23:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼
(引用 无聊2:随便说说,我就在银行IT啊先说收入没有你高啊 据我所知,银行给的薪水还可以,但是一般中介要拿走一些,所以最好找direct contract的了 ...)what is OCP ?[huamu (4-11 8:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼
In general, insurance companies pay more.[神州六号 (4-13 16:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼
(引用 西蜀霸王:汗, 要是哪家公司给我这么多我马上投靠。。。>...)呵呵..if you do front office in bank, within 3 year you will get thatbut I don't really sure how IT paid. should be good lah, if you are working on trading system like murex, reuters...[frpapaya (4-16 11:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼