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什么是 Bishan EXCO? 是棋队?
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(引用 peanut:2008八连说气话了,好吧不惹你。)this is what I call quality of posts ....[2008八连负 (7-8 11:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 peanut:原来碧山棋力证书不受总会承认。有哪些棋队的棋力证书受总会承认?)关于这个问题就事论事,我觉得碧山象棋会自己会内分级的做法还是很好的尝试。现在象总所定的分级方法,只分甲级乙级和无级。乙级每年也就多4个人,门槛还是相当高的。以前我和棋友谈论时曾谈到是否应有丙级,但实行起来恐怕有难度,因此也只是保留作一个话题,没有向象总提出建议。碧山的分级制度,虽然和象总的分级并不挂钩,但内部可以起到鼓励棋手,尤其是少年棋手争取进步的作用,我个人认为是好的做法,对象总现有的分级制度是一个好的补充。


[几度 (7-8 13:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

(引用 peanut:原来碧山棋力证书不受总会承认。有哪些棋队的棋力证书受总会承认?)If you really in the seeking of information ......
my reply above have provided the links :

first one is the rules for 2008 Singapore Open with addresses for Boon Lay and SIXGA, and even with rules mentioned about representing Singapore.

second one is the details of Bishan Internal Grading System for members only.

these have shown that you are not seeking for information.
[2008八连负 (7-8 15:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 2008八连负:If you really in the seeking of information ...... my reply above have provided the links : first one is the rules for 2008 Sin...)不对吧?我的英文不好,但我自信读了5遍之后还不至于理解错。你提的第1帖是今年全国赛的章程,说明获得级别称号的方法和指明优胜者有机会代表新加坡参加国际赛。第2帖是碧山内部的级别规定(其实并没有指明和象总的级别不挂钩。这一点你其实是在其他场合解释的)。这两帖讲的是象总全国赛和碧山级别规定。peanut的问题是:既然碧山的级别和象总的不挂钩,那么有没有其他棋会有类似的制度但又与象总挂钩?问的是其他棋会。两者并不是同一问题。因此你最后那句“these have shown that you are not seeking for information.”就不对了。

[几度 (7-8 15:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

(引用 几度:不对吧?我的英文不好,但我自信读了5遍之后还不至于理解错。你提的第1帖是今年全国赛的章程,说明获得级别称号的方法和指明优胜者有机会...)This is nothing to do with the English, what I want to explain that .....
if he is seeking information, he should read the two links provided in details, and I also suggest to him to join Singapore Open in the early reply.

For the first one, 2008 Singapore Open

-- the details show the address of SIXGA and grading method and he does not need to ask 卷心菜,请问总会在那里?如何考棋力证书?

For the second one, 碧山内部的级别规定

-- the details show 碧山和象总的级别挂钩 but not the other way.

If you are really seeking information, you will read the two documents in details.

As for his question

原来碧山棋力证书不受总会承认。有哪些棋队的棋力证书受总会承认? - peanut 0 字节 2008-07-08 08:48 (15 点击)

my answer is very clear below as only SIXGA can answer.

if you are thinking of 承认, 下国际赛, please contact 总会. - 2008八连负 0 字节 2008-07-08 08:52 (14 点击)

[2008八连负 (7-8 15:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

(引用 几度:关于这个问题就事论事,我觉得碧山象棋会自己会内分级的做法还是很好的尝试。现在象总所定的分级方法,只分甲级乙级和无级。乙级每年也就...)You are right.This young man asked about Chess clubs systems and how to get certification on xiangqi. He wish to learn more about xiangqi and maybe inspired to get a good certificate to show his family.
Then maybe he wasn't used to see half English half Chinese sentence (many people too I believe), so made that remark. He didn't say wrong, he just being tactless. Just tell him that it is not right to make such comment as some people might not like it. No point think until so complicated like he is trying to create trouble and start attacking him with many repeated post.
[bls (7-8 15:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼

(引用 bls:You are right.This young man asked about Chess clubs systems and how to get certification on xiangqi. He wish to learn more abou...)the two documents are in Chinese.[2008八连负 (7-8 16:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼

(引用 2008八连负:This is nothing to do with the English, what I want to explain that ..... if he is seeking information, he should read the two l...)还是不明白全国赛那一帖说的是可以通过这个比赛获得象总等级称号,没有说这是唯一的途径。事实上,我自己也在怀疑是否象少年班、裁判班之类的课程提供棋力证书一样,有其他途径获得等级称号的。象中国特级大师的称号就可以从大师冠军赛夺冠获得。从语意看,peanut问的还是其他棋会。他跟帖跟在这里,也不是说他不想去象总——毕竟象总周末才开放,他先在论坛上问一下大家,没什么问题啊?他的帖在今天早上8点48分贴的,之前好象也没见什么帖有特别解释。我看你还是误会他的问题了吧?

[几度 (7-8 16:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼

(引用 2008八连负:the two documents are in Chinese.)你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思我对新加坡象棋了解很少,问多了,为了表示歉意,我离开这个论坛。[peanut (7-8 16:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]29楼

(引用 几度:还是不明白全国赛那一帖说的是可以通过这个比赛获得象总等级称号,没有说这是唯一的途径。事实上,我自己也在怀疑是否象少年班、裁判班之...)please read the flow of those posts .....
I have indicated the condition is to join Singapore Open first if he is thinking to 下国际赛.

I have also suggested him to do more reading at the same time when I provided the two links.


Bishan Executive Committee 听起来不象是象棋队。 - peanut 50 bytes 2008-07-07 19:42 (29 reads)

* If you are thinking to 下国际赛, please join Singapore Open first .... - 2008八连负 402 bytes 2008-07-08 08:29 (40 reads)

The rules below for 2008 Singapore Open held in Jun 2008 for your reading ....


As for 碧山棋力证书, it is just use by 碧山象棋会 .....


Since you are new to 悟入棋途, please spend sometimes in reading those past postings first as there are a lot of information posted here previously.

Happy reading.

[2008八连负 (7-8 16:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼

(引用 peanut:你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思我对新加坡象棋了解很少,问多了,为了表示歉意,我离开这个论坛。)You are welcome to stay .....in general, the 网友 here are quite helpful.

Sorry if you do not have those intentions.
[2008八连负 (7-8 16:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼

(引用 2008八连负:You are welcome to stay .....in general, the 网友 here are quite helpful. Sorry if you do not have those intentions. )网友 may try to help you to seek out information but you must do .......
网友 may try to help you to seek out information but you must do your reading too.
[2008八连负 (7-8 16:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]32楼

(引用 peanut:好啊,那里网站可以下棋?)晚上几点?你账号是什么?[卷心菜 (7-8 16:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]33楼

(引用 peanut:你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思我对新加坡象棋了解很少,问多了,为了表示歉意,我离开这个论坛。)言重了最多对因误会引起的不便道歉一下也就够了。更何况你本来也没有问错,不需要引咎辞职吧?我那个帖子也没有针对你的意思,只是说下一盘棋要着眼全局,不要在无关痛痒的局部纠缠。这本来也就是讲一种可能性而已。你原本没那个意思,就不用管我的那帖了。




[几度 (7-8 16:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]34楼

(引用 2008八连负:please read the flow of those posts ..... I have indicated the condition is to join Singapore Open first if he is thinking to 下...)这个意思啊?你叫他下全国赛,但并没有说明这是唯一的途径。所以应该是双方都误会了。

[几度 (7-8 16:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]35楼

(引用 几度:言重了最多对因误会引起的不便道歉一下也就够了。更何况你本来也没有问错,不需要引咎辞职吧?我那个帖子也没有针对你的意思,只是说下一...)高手也会出昏着[太阳黑子 (7-8 17:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]36楼

(引用 peanut:你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思我对新加坡象棋了解很少,问多了,为了表示歉意,我离开这个论坛。)花先生,你象棋是什么水平[太阳黑子 (7-8 17:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]37楼

(引用 2008八连负:please read the flow of those posts ..... I have indicated the condition is to join Singapore Open first if he is thinking to 下...)we have closed the issue in the other postings, anyway, when we say to do ....something first, this is the first thing to do, if he follow the 2008 document to prepare to join the National Open 2009, then he will know that he needs to get Top 4 in Group B (to be promoted to Grade B), followed by another year in Group A (Top 8 to be qualified as Grade A) before the consideration for 下国际赛.

Anyway, I will try to answer in more details in future if possible.
[2008八连负 (7-8 17:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]38楼

(引用 几度:言重了最多对因误会引起的不便道歉一下也就够了。更何况你本来也没有问错,不需要引咎辞职吧?我那个帖子也没有针对你的意思,只是说下一...)太阳里面也有黑子。[几度 (7-8 17:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]39楼

(引用 peanut:你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思我对新加坡象棋了解很少,问多了,为了表示歉意,我离开这个论坛。)“花生”小弟弟,有意思加入飞鹰队吗?,它让你有机会提高你的棋艺!!![棋一生 (7-8 19:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]40楼

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