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第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 -- List of 56 players at Bishan C.C. Classroom 3
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第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 -- List of 56 players at Bishan C.C. Classroom 3
Event Date -- 1 & 2 Mar 2008, Saturday and Sunday

Reporting Time -- 2 pm on 1 Mar 2008, Saturday

Venue -- Bishan Xiangqi Club Club House, Bishan C.C. Classroom 3

第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 -- List of 56 players as of 24 Feb 2008


吴荣华 Bishan East
莫家维 Bishan East
符策权 Bishan East
莫家铭 Bishan East
符学栋 Kampong Glam
杨昭吉 Kampong Glam
严修美 Kampong Glam
陈仲贤 Kampong Glam
陈政利 Nanyang
洪培荣 Nanyang
邱政宇 Nanyang
廖铭濠 Nanyang
[齐启棋 (2-24 12:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will ..
be arranged in the descending order of age, we have 57 players from 76 years old to 11 years old as of 25 Feb 2008 ....

50 years old or above -- 10 players (two special prizes if none qualify for other prizes)

35 to < 50 -- 5 players

21 to < 35 -- 17 players

15 to < 21 -- 17 players

< 15 -- 8 players (one special prize if none qualify for other prizes)

01 杨昭吉
02 严修美
03 符策权
04 符学栋
05 罗柱华
06 吴钦华
07 吴荣华
08 徐乃隆
09 张锡炎
10 陈政利
11 林俊章
12 文传冠
13 张义荣
14 张鸿耀
15 林奕寰
16 赵金山
17 陈仲贤
18 洪培荣
19 蔡俊杰
20 张友彬
21 刘小玮
22 庄才钧
23 龚敬文
24 张顺喜
25 李泗丰
26 林超贤
27 郑智安
28 杨丰义
29 邱政宇
30 王锐荣
31 莫家铭
32 朱祖亮
33 莫家维
34 陈一龙
35 郭劲豪
36 林轩永
37 林伟杨
38 王子艺
39 陈贤凯
40 林俊任
41 林纯凯
42 洪福阳
43 赖俊杰
44 陈茗芳
45 符宏恺
46 刘忆豪
47 廖铭濠
48 谭敬龙
49 萧政隆
50 陈俊翰
51 郭文轩
52 曾凡钧
53 陈靖龙
54 沈世鹏
55 邱子扬
56 许家庆
57 陈靖麟
[齐启棋 (2-25 8:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 齐启棋:Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will .. be arranged in the descending order of age, we ha...)有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日[一刀n断 (2-25 11:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 一刀n断:有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日)29 Feb ? So the next one is 4 years later if on.:P[齐启棋 (2-25 12:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 一刀n断:有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日)In actual fact, 30-minute game is quite difficult to predict, ......
so, just pick those good in fast game ? :P

林俊章, 赵金山, 蔡俊杰, 张友彬, 林超贤, 洪福阳, 刘忆豪, 廖铭濠

after picking, I compare my list with 火云邪神's list :

and notice that just need to compare 刘忆豪 vs 卷心菜 .....

hope to get at least 30 points from my list, hehehe....
[齐启棋 (2-25 12:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 齐启棋:In actual fact, 30-minute game is quite difficult to predict, ...... so, just pick those good in fast game ? :P 林俊章, 赵金山...)I agree with this prediction, but top 3 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后)张友彬,赵金山,林超贤,蔡俊杰,洪福阳,林俊章,廖铭濠,刘忆豪。


my prediction on top 3 are 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后)

[卷心菜 (2-25 13:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 一刀n断:有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日)To be self-motivated菜刀组合,林超贤,李泗丰,龚敬文,张友彬,赵金山,廖铭濠。

[杀着大全 (2-25 13:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 卷心菜:I agree with this prediction, but top 3 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后)张友彬,赵金山,林超贤,蔡俊杰,洪福阳,林俊章,廖铭濠,刘忆豪...)actual situation in 2006 ...... now in 2008 ?
although there are so many special prizes, at the end, in 2006, we gave prizes to Top 27, so this time, in 2008, may be we do not need to apply the special conditions again and give prizes to Top 29......, so 20th position still have a good chance to win.... :D
[齐启棋 (2-25 13:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 齐启棋:Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will .. be arranged in the descending order of age, we ha...)heard that 陈运灏 will be in Bishan on 1 Mar, .....
should be able to pass the following Bishan forms to him ....




--郑木兴 and 林松宽

any more forms from Bishan members ?
[齐启棋 (2-25 14:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

(引用 齐启棋:Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will .. be arranged in the descending order of age, we ha...)software used in all Bishan Cups and records for checking .....So far, since Nov 2004, we are using the software Sevilla for the pairing and ranking purposes. This is the 5th time (2004-1, 2005-1, 2006-2, 2007-0, 2008-1) we are going to test and use the software again (we use manual round robin system to handle internal competitions with reference to the Green Book issued by Asian Xiangqi Federation.)

In this coming event, we are using the first 10 records (No. 01 to No. 10) and last 7 records (No. 50 to No. 57) to control the 3名分龄奖 if needed. We use the gender (program) to indicate members of Bishan Xiangqi Club for the allocation of 3名会员奖. We use Category for 3名分区奖 and Team for the allocation of team prizes if required. From the 2006 experience, most of the prizes if not all will be given to the Top 20 over positions. By the way, Swiss-perfect is the standard software used by SIXGA, we may consider to change at a later date. Initially, we plan to invite 王兴南先生与陈团生先生 to handle this coming 碧山杯, but since only 3 teams join the team event, we have decided to handle it in the same way as in 2006 as all works are about the same except we need to compute the ranking for the three teams if needed. This time, we will capture the player name in Chinese too (For 2006 Central Singapore Bishan Cup, we captured names in English only).
[齐启棋 (2-25 16:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 齐启棋:software used in all Bishan Cups and records for checking .....So far, since Nov 2004, we are using the software Sevilla for the ...)第一轮强手较量:蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠(预测而已,非正式pairing)蔡俊杰先手,胜机高些。[卷心菜 (2-25 17:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 卷心菜:第一轮强手较量:蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠(预测而已,非正式pairing)蔡俊杰先手,胜机高些。)这也可以预测?[杀着大全 (2-25 17:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 卷心菜:第一轮强手较量:蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠(预测而已,非正式pairing)蔡俊杰先手,胜机高些。)As mentioned, players not reported by 2:30 pm on 1 Mar will be considered ..as absentees from Round 1 and we will adjust the pairings if time permits, they still can join from Round 2. As indicated by the rules, players absent for two rounds will be disqualified from the event.

If all 57 players present, I have the feeling that your prediction of pairing (蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠) is wrong.

By the way, for the coming competition, all 57 players are considered as individuals, we will not do any adjustment if there are pairings within same clubs or schools etc. This is the reason that we may use the age in descending order to number the records since all are players without grades.

In 2006, there were 7 graded players and we numbered them from No. 1 to No. 7 before any pairing so that they will not meet, say in the first few rounds.
[齐启棋 (2-25 17:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

(引用 齐启棋:As mentioned, players not reported by 2:30 pm on 1 Mar will be considered ..as absentees from Round 1 and we will adjust the pai...)看来我也老了。57人中年龄排22位。[卷心菜 (2-25 18:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

(引用 卷心菜:看来我也老了。57人中年龄排22位。)no, even with equal range, we may calculate your age ......
say around

21 + 14 * 10/17 = ??? or 35 - 14 * 7/17 = ???

as your group of 17 (No 16 to No. 32) players is within the range of (21 to 35 years old).

Of course, another simple way is mid-point of (21 + 35) = ???

but if we study the distribution more closely, since only 5 players within the range of 35 to < 50, so for the 17 players within the range of 21 to < 35, likely more records will be closer to the end of 21 but not the end of 35.

So, logical guess is your age should be below the mid-point. :P


50 years old or above -- 10 players (two special prizes if none qualify for other prizes)

35 to < 50 -- 5 players

21 to < 35 -- 17 players

15 to < 21 -- 17 players

< 15 -- 8 players (one special prize if none qualify for other prizes)
[齐启棋 (2-25 18:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

(引用 卷心菜:第一轮强手较量:蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠(预测而已,非正式pairing)蔡俊杰先手,胜机高些。)对外公开 the working method and using Swiss Pairing System .....
Yes, so far, we use the Swiss Pairing System feature in the Sevilla software, i.e. the ranking list from the previous rounds will be used for the pairing in the next round except Round 1 as all players are having the same ranking.

Regarding the pairing for Round 1, 卷心菜 could use a method to predict the pairing or even 先后手. (his prediction may be wrong.:P)

The working committee will discuss the pairing methods for Round 1 on 27 Feb 2008.

The random generator could be used as one of the methods, in addition to date of birth, ratings(say Top 8, Top 17, Top 29 etc, i.e. top few players do not meet in the first round or first few rounds). As mentioned, we have no graded players in this coming event.

We are using 2007年第4届碧山象棋会会员分级循环一局赛 and 2008第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 as two examples 对外公开 (in 悟入棋途) the whole preparation processes. These could be useful to those who plan to organise internal/external xiangqi events for the first time.

In general, most of the xiangqi activities are planned with regular intervals, say once in one year, 2 years, 3 years or more. I hope that our (Bishan) active participations in 悟入棋途 since mid May 2007 (with me in my personal capacity) have generated some interests at least for a few players. We may set one year as our active participation period due to most of the activities are yearly affairs, i.e. we will pay attentions to those new activities but not the yearly repeated events.

Personally, I wish SIXGA can develop such platform soon for all Singapore xiangqi lovers.
[齐启棋 (2-26 11:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]16楼

(引用 齐启棋:Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will .. be arranged in the descending order of age, we ha...)We only allow visitors at the opening and closing due to the space issue, .....
during the 9 rounds of actual games, no visitor is allowed.
[齐启棋 (2-26 15:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]17楼

(引用 卷心菜:I agree with this prediction, but top 3 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后)张友彬,赵金山,林超贤,蔡俊杰,洪福阳,林俊章,廖铭濠,刘忆豪...)我记错了,廖铭濠比赛中从没对到我。人老了,记错了,廖铭濠比赛中从没对到我。



[卷心菜 (2-27 23:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]18楼

To all Bishan Cup players, simple buffet dinner will be served on both days ....please note the reporting time of 2 pm on 1 Mar 2008, coming Saturday at

Bishan C.C. Classroom 3.

You may enter from the Bishan C.C. old office glass door, pass the newspaper reading area and to the classrooms 1, 2 & 3.

If you enter from the small door facing SIXGA office, you can see the entrance of Classroom 3.

We allow visitors only during the opening and closing ceremonies.
[齐启棋 (2-28 12:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]19楼

(引用 一刀n断:有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日)随便猜猜吧
张友彬,赵金山, 林超贤, 卷心菜, 蔡俊杰, 林俊章, 廖铭濠, 符学栋
[一刀n断 (2-29 11:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]20楼

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