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(引用 卷心菜:预测陈茂然,曹子航,张友彬,姚威和都以和棋升入乙级。预测范永康5分以小分惨遭淘汰。 )5 cents worthMaoran already qualify with 5.5 points. Left 3 spots.

Cao Zi hang should go through if Maoran do not take round 7 seriously.

I predict Youbin will go through by beating Weihe.

Then Fan Yong Kang advances by winning Shunli.

As for the Champion, if Fan yong Kang goes through, he still has a high chance of beating Maoran for the Champion.

Just my 5 cents worth of opinions
[marauder (6-1 15:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]101楼

(引用 卷心菜:第六轮快讯:姚威和(先)和陈茂然)Liao Ming Hao beats Women International GM Zhang Xin HuanThis is round 6 of the fiercely fought competition.

Liao Ming Hao took black and beats the famous Women GM Zhang Xin Huan in record moves (15 moves)and time (5 min). Zhang used 15 mins overall.

Zhang Liao

1) C25 H8+7 6) R23 ?? C8+6
2) H2+3 R98 7) R3+1?? C87
3) R12 P7+1 8) H3+5 C2+4
3) R2+6 H2+3 9) R3-1?? C27
4) P7+1 A4+5 10)R34 C7+3
5) P5+1 E3+5 Shall omit the next few moves.

[marauder (6-1 15:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]102楼

(引用 marauder:Liao Ming Hao beats Women International GM Zhang Xin HuanThis is round 6 of the fiercely fought competition. Liao Ming Hao took...)廖铭濠回合胜GM张心欢(动态棋局)红:张心欢

[卷心菜 (6-1 15:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]103楼

(引用 棋人生:Assumption for Round 7 Assumption for Round 7 Here is one of the assumptions : If Black for the first 3 boards win on Satur...)总共多少轮比赛啊?好像人很少[胡耀宇 (6-1 16:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]104楼

(引用 胡耀宇:总共多少轮比赛啊?好像人很少)今年应该减少升级人数啊,不一定要前4个,这么少人,道后面可能都下和棋陈茂然~曹子航,99。9%和棋[胡耀宇 (6-1 16:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]105楼

(引用 胡耀宇:今年应该减少升级人数啊,不一定要前4个,这么少人,道后面可能都下和棋陈茂然~曹子航,99。9%和棋)Haha How 胡耀宇 know that ?!you must have some news...hahha Joking lah[网络蚂蚁 (6-1 19:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]106楼

(引用 卷心菜:廖铭濠回合胜GM张心欢(动态棋局)红:张心欢 黑:廖铭濠 屏风马弃马局 厉害厉害。 廖铭濠真是破纪录了。 ...)末着红尚可帅五进一帅五进一,炮7平9,帅五平四,车8进8,帅四进一,虽是败势,尚有顽抗。张心欢宁死不屈。[几度 (6-1 22:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]107楼

(引用 几度:末着红尚可帅五进一帅五进一,炮7平9,帅五平四,车8进8,帅四进一,虽是败势,尚有顽抗。张心欢宁死不屈。)实战张特大走了士四进五,然后帅五平四,速败。[卷心菜 (6-2 0:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]108楼

Terry Chua is a 14 yrs old young playerinfo provided by Zhang You Bin.[卷心菜 (6-2 0:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]109楼

(引用 卷心菜:廖铭濠回合胜GM张心欢(动态棋局)红:张心欢 黑:廖铭濠 屏风马弃马局 厉害厉害。 廖铭濠真是破纪录了。 ...)晕弃马陷车的当也上?以后是不是背背《自出洞来无敌手》?[香陵居士 (6-2 1:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]110楼

(引用 棋人生:May be, I should provide the current ranking after Round 6 with 小分 ...... 1 陈茂然(5.5) 28 2 姚威和(4.5) 31 3 洪顺利(4.5) ...)Whatever Assumption, tonight Top 4 should likely come out from the current top 8[棋人生 (6-2 6:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]111楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:Haha How 胡耀宇 know that ?!you must have some news...hahha Joking lah)蚂蚁先生,我有去看现场的啊我们以前比赛都至少六,七十人,才升级4个,现在少几乎一半的人,不然A,B组这几年就不会合并下了![胡耀宇 (6-2 9:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]112楼

(引用 卷心菜:嗯,别担心,明年网络蚂蚁你参战,总体水平就能提高了。)网络蚂蚁参战 > 下热闹还可以 !我现在大概不行了, Old men liao.
Not familar with newly 棋局变化 .
And Cannot get a good position in any divsion.
下热闹还可以 !That why 很多人都不出来下棋了 .

Make some comunication here to know you guys are more interesting.
[网络蚂蚁 (6-2 11:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]113楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:网络蚂蚁参战 > 下热闹还可以 !我现在大概不行了, Old men liao. Not familar with newly 棋局变化 . And Cannot get a good position ...)现在生活压力越来越大 true[卷心菜 (6-2 13:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]114楼

(引用 卷心菜:Terry Chua is a 14 yrs old young playerinfo provided by Zhang You Bin.)王檄胡耀宇遭逆转 富士通杯八强战中国全军覆没so sad!好郁闷啊!!!!!我随便下都能赢的棋又输给李昌镐,跟他的对局胜负变5:6了.害得中国又失意富士通,真是富士痛啊[胡耀宇 (6-2 17:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]115楼

Results of Round 7 and Pairing for Round 8Results of Round 7

陈茂然(5.5) 0.5:0.5 曹子航(4.5)
张友彬(4.5) 0.5:0.5 姚威和(4.5)
洪顺利(4.5) 0:1 范永康(4)
廖铭濠(4) 1:0 肖加龙(4)
许永坤(4) : 0.5:0.5 陈贤凯(4)
张胜祥(4) : 0:1 赵金山(4)

Ranking of Round 8
1 陈茂然(6)
2 姚威和(5)
3 范永康(5)
4 曹子航(5)

Above four promoted to Grade 2 and continue with 2 Rounds knock-out system

陈茂然 : 曹子航
姚威和 : 范永康

The other 36 players will continue with 2 more rounds of Swiss Pairing System :

赵金山(5) : 张友彬(5)
陈贤凯(4.5) : 廖铭濠(5)
Kevin Ong(4.5) : Ang Puay Young(4.5)
许永坤(4.5) : 洪顺利(4.5)
肖加龙(4) : Sii Toh Ing(4)
张胜祥(4) : Chua Jun Jie(4)
Teo Sim Hua(4) : Samuel Ng(4)
[棋人生 (6-2 22:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]116楼

(引用 棋人生:Results of Round 7 and Pairing for Round 8Results of Round 7 陈茂然(5.5) 0.5:0.5 曹子航(4.5) 张友彬(4.5) 0.5:0.5 姚威和...)6名棋手拿5分充分证明了比赛的轮次不够。不如下9轮,最后决出前4。


[卷心菜 (6-2 23:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]117楼

(引用 卷心菜:6名棋手拿5分充分证明了比赛的轮次不够。不如下9轮,最后决出前4。 只有对A组,才采取最后淘汰赛,比较精彩。 另外为Piggy感到惋惜,明)2007 System
As compared to 2006 9-round system, this year, during the arbiter course, we noticed that SIXGA has considered 3 other alternatives before the selection of 2-round knock out system for the top 4. The other two alternatives were 3-round knock out system for the top 8 (in this case, no incentive for the remaining 32 players to continue with the last 3 rounds) and 2-round knock out system for the top 4 with 2 losers from 1st round (Round 8, this year) returning to play with the main body in the last round (Round 9 this year, a bit unfair for the two losers).

As for the actual situation this year (40 players), after 4 rounds, only one with full 4 points, i.e. (add 50%) minimum of 6 rounds is enough for this year.

As there are so many (6) of 5 points, mainly due to unexpected none with 5.5 points.

In all, this year 9-round method is still a better system, my personal view only.
[棋人生 (6-3 6:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]118楼

(引用 棋人生:2007 System As compared to 2006 9-round system, this year, during the arbiter course, we noticed that SIXGA has considered 3 oth...)No of Boards with draw results
This could be another way to study whether the number of rounds is enough.

Out of 20 boards per rounds, the number of Boards with draw results as below :

Round 1 : 2
Round 2 : 3
Round 3 : 5
Round 4 : -
Round 5 : 5
Round 6 : 5
Round 7 : 7

So, it is increasing, .... any relationship with the number of rounds ?!
[棋人生 (6-3 6:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]119楼

(引用 棋人生:Results of Round 7 and Pairing for Round 8Results of Round 7 陈茂然(5.5) 0.5:0.5 曹子航(4.5) 张友彬(4.5) 0.5:0.5 姚威和...)A Check on the Initial 10 Names Prediction
4 are in the top 4 to form 2 pairs in Round 8.

Accidentally, the remaining 6 are forming 3 pairs in Round 8, let see how many of them can get positions 5 to 8 after Round 9.....
[棋人生 (6-3 6:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]120楼

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