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我的list1. snake oil scalp massage bar



2. Godiva



3. Karma Komba



4. Ultimate Shine



5. Sex In The Shower



6. Honey I Washed The Kids



7. Therapy



以上各一个. 免费的tin一个.


[694 (7-22 23:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]61楼

(引用 hua311:我的洗发皂: new (3块) 洗澡皂:honey I washed the kids, I should coco 各一块)要一个tin[hua311 (7-23 9:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]62楼

(引用 linda1113:==关于皂盒大家注意一下(尤其是要买洗发皂的各位)==鉴于大多数人都没有说明要几个皂盒,这里统一提醒一下:现在还是可以买两个洗发皂送...)团长我要一个盒子,如果有多的,想厚着脸皮申请多一个(共两个)XDDD没有多的就算了哈~[武汉伢 (7-23 10:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]63楼

团长,我的又改了,最后的在这里,一共23样。。。Name Price QTY
coal face 4.04 1
angels on bare skin 5.42 1
Enzymion 11.98 1
Imperialis 10.48 1
enchanted eye cream 9.6 1
Mask of Magnaminty 315g 7.14 1
Snake Oil Scalp Massage Bar 4.04 3
Godiva 5.37 1
Karma Komba 4.53 1
Ultimate shine 4.53 1
New 4.53 1
Cynthia Sylvia Stout 500ml 11.57 1
American cream 250ml 7.39 1
Veganese 250ml 6.8 1
Retread 8.37 1
Jungle 3.94 1
Honey I washed the kids 2.89 1
ring of roses 3.2 1
Therapy 5.5 1
Cosmic Dreamcatcher 5.25 1
aqua mirabilis 4.88 1
buffy 90g 4.88 1
flying fox 250ml 8.08 1

刚好送2个洗发皂盒,一个按摩芭盒,一个body butter盒,都要。
[lemon_t (7-23 11:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]64楼

(引用 lemon_t:难道只有我发现官网悄悄的涨价了?前一阵看的时候就记下了想要的东西和价钱,昨天再看的时候发现全部涨价了,全部!基本都是涨了几毛钱,...)这个网站会像NYR那样退英国的税吗?[lemon_t (7-23 11:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]65楼

(引用 lemon_t:这个网站会像NYR那样退英国的税吗?)哇,找到了,退的退的!哈哈,要不要再买点呢?大家鄙视我吧[lemon_t (7-23 11:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]66楼

(引用 lemon_t:哇,找到了,退的退的!哈哈,要不要再买点呢?大家鄙视我吧)还退税啊?真不错:)[草莓果乐 (7-23 12:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]67楼

(引用 linda1113:大家说一下自己想买的东西吧,似乎响应的人不是很多,这样邮费就会非常贵……如果只有两三个人的话似乎团购就没什么价值了……我等待大家...)我的list1 New shampoo bar, 1 Seanik (solid shampoo)

要一个shampoo bar tin, 谢谢团长!
[Amioi (7-23 13:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]68楼

团长:SiHong的最终版Name Price quantity
Honey I washed the Kids: &pound;2.95 1
Flying fox shower gel 500L: &pound;13.69 1
Karma Komba &pound;4.53 1
New Shampoo Bar &pound;4.53 2
ultimate shine &pound;4.53 1
tea tree water 250g &pound;6.21 1
Mask Of Magnaminty 315g &pound;7.14 1

[SiHong (7-23 15:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]69楼

(引用 lemon_t:团长,我的又改了,最后的在这里,一共23样。。。Name Price QTY coal face 4.04 1 angels on bare ...)再改一下,脸红。。。Name Price QTY
coal face 4.04 1
angels on bare skin 5.42 1
Enzymion 11.98 1
Imperialis 10.48 1
enchanted eye cream 9.6 1
Mask of Magnaminty 315g 7.14 1
Snake Oil Scalp Massage Bar 4.04 3
Godiva 5.37 1
Karma Komba 4.53 1
Ultimate shine 4.53 1
New 4.53 1
Cynthia Sylvia Stout 500ml 11.57 1
American cream 250ml 7.39 1
Veganese 250ml 6.8 1
Retread 8.37 1
Jungle 3.94 1
Honey I washed the kids 2.89 1
Ceridwyn's Cauldron 3.74 1
Therapy 5.5 1
Cosmic Dreamcatcher 5.25 1
aqua mirabilis 4.88 1
buffy 90g 4.88 1
flying fox 250ml 8.08 1
Dream Cream 9.6 1
Helping hands 45g 3.84 1
sex in the shower 2.25 1
还是两个洗发皂盒,一个按摩芭盒,一个body butter盒
[lemon_t (7-23 16:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]70楼

虽然月初刚从英国回来,还是要跟着网购了因为当时走到lush 店的时候,之前根本没有做过功课
给自己的只有两块洗发皂 Godiva 和 Ultimate Shine
后者是因为买两块送一个tin,要求导购美女给我推荐,她建议我Ultimate Shine
说洗了头发真的会shining shining

list 晚上给团长阿


[朵朵bear (7-23 18:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]71楼

Godiva L2392 &pound;5.37
Karma Komba L2008 &pound;4.53
Free Shampoo Bar Tin L9999 &pound;0.00
Angels On Bare Skin L228 &pound;5.42
Mask Of Magnaminty Weight: 315 L211 &pound;7.14
Subtotal: &pound;22.46


Total: &pound;22.46



[apple88 (7-23 18:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]72楼

我的list:Mask of Magnaminty 315g 7.14 1
angels on bare skin 5.42 1
Therapy 5.5 1

[babepinky (7-23 22:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]73楼

-Karma Komba 4.53
-New Shampoo Bar 4.53
-Soak & Float 4.43
-Reincarnate 3.43

-Honey i washed the kids 2.95
-Lemslip 2.41
-Ice Blue 2.56

[greyrabbit (7-23 23:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]74楼

我的final list:The comforter 3.89 pounds x1
Ma bar 2.36 pounds x1
Sexxx Bomb Ballistic 7.50 pounds x1
Oil Scalp Massage Bar 4.04 pounds x1
Veganese (250g) 6.80 pounds x1
Big 9.60 pounds x1
Godiva 5.37 pounds x1
Karma Komba 4.53 pounds x1
Cynthia Sylvia Stout (500g) 11.57 pounds x1
Therapy 5.50 pounds x1
Each Peach 4.63 pounds x1
Honey I wash the kids 2.95 pounds x1

Free Shampoo Bar tin x1
Free Massage Bar Tin x1

Total: 68.74 pounds
联系方式我短你!city hall取。谢谢团长!
[若水三千 (7-24 12:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]75楼

我的final list~~谢谢mm一个Mask of Magnaminty,315g的
一个Karma Komba


[momoGisele (7-24 12:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]76楼

我的final list护肤类:

Mask Of Magnaminty 7.14 350ml 1

ultrabland 8.94 100ml 1

Eau-Roma Water 6.21 250ml 1


Honey I washed the kids 2.95 1
Karma Soap 3.6 1个


Strawberry Feels Forever 4.95 1

Wiccy Magic Muscles 5.26 1

Massage Bar盒要一个,谢谢 :)
[喜宝 (7-24 15:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]77楼

(引用 Mago:我想买godiva和karma komba有个free tin,对吗? 还有MM呀,如果运费那么贵,有没有可能从vpost运呀?)confirm 1 godiva + 1 Karma + 1 free tinthanks a lot :P
how to transfer $ to you yah?

my hp : 81270687
[Mago (7-24 15:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]78楼

my list :-)New - 4.53 pounds x1
Karma Komba - 4.53 pounds x1
Jungle (solid conditioner) - 3.94 pounds x1
Snake Oil Scalp Massage Bar - 4.04 pounds x1
Veganese 100ml - 3.4 pounds x1


当然如果团长能帮多争取一个来装massage bar,那就是更完美了。。。脸红ing


[朵朵bear (7-24 16:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]79楼

(引用 SiHong:团长:SiHong的最终版Name Price quantity Honey I washed the Kids: &po...)追加一个。。谢谢mm.Mask Of Magnaminty 7.14 350ml 追加一个。

[SiHong (7-24 17:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]80楼

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