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【AgonyUncle】Hello Uncle Chung. I have some questions.
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【AgonyUncle】Hello Uncle Chung. I have some questions.Very nice to meet you here, too.

My question looks dumb but it is very important for me.

Now I am buying some goods from company A through a middle man and every time i pay him by Cash Cheque. He has signed on receipt of every cash cheque i issued, and he is supposed to pass the cheque to company A.

Recently i was told by company A that they have not received any amount from me for the recent three deals. After that I held a meeting and checked with the middle man in front of owner of company A, and the middle man admitted that he took the money for some other use and he promised to return to company A in a week. Now it has been one month since the meeting and he does not return any amount to company A.


what will happen in the trial
1.if company A sues me (for no paying)?
2.if company A sues the middle man?
3.if i sue the middle man?

Many thanks and Awaiting your reply.
[嫑玊嘦玉 (12-11 1:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

Reply from Agony UncleHi, Thanks for your questions!

Please refer to the following answers:

1. They can unless you prove that they have given your express cash cheque to a certain individual who acknowledges receipt of payment each time.

2. They can but that is not a bad deal for you.

3. Usually the middle man will abscond and that would not stop Company A from suing you.

Agony Uncle
[UncleChung (12-13 11:04, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 UncleChung:Reply from Agony UncleHi, Thanks for your questions! Please refer to the following answers: 1. They can unless you prove that...)Agony Uncle, Many thanks for the reply!Best wishes for you and your family!

[嫑玊嘦玉 (12-17 18:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 UncleChung:Reply from Agony UncleHi, Thanks for your questions! Please refer to the following answers: 1. They can unless you prove that...)不穿马甲来顶,终于搞懂Agony Uncle 啥意思。[cking (12-21 1:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

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