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Can we pay Citibank Credit balance by using DBS internet banking?
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Can we pay Citibank Credit balance by using DBS internet banking?3x[彩色的白纸 (10-5 14:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

can, but pls note that it will take at least 3 working dayswhich means, if your payment due date is tomorrow and you pay today via intenet banking, they may charge you for late payemnt

allow three days for the interbank transferring after you complete your transition
[笑眯眯 (10-5 15:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 笑眯眯:can, but pls note that it will take at least 3 working dayswhich means, if your payment due date is tomorrow and you pay today v...)if your balance means billotherwise, should i misunderstand your meaning, the answer may not applicable[笑眯眯 (10-5 15:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 笑眯眯:if your balance means billotherwise, should i misunderstand your meaning, the answer may not applicable)come in.......我是问是否可以用dbs internet banking来还citibank的信用卡帐单,并不是把dbs的钱转到citibank的账户。[彩色的白纸 (10-5 20:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 彩色的白纸:come in.......我是问是否可以用dbs internet banking来还citibank的信用卡帐单,并不是把dbs的钱转到citibank的账户。)你可以通过Internet付账单但不是从DBS internet banking申请。而是通过Citibank申请。我记得当时我是用citibank账单上所附的一张申请表,申请由其他账户转账。批准后就可以登录citibank.com.sg直接使用网上转账了。[JYH (10-6 0:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 彩色的白纸:come in.......我是问是否可以用dbs internet banking来还citibank的信用卡帐单,并不是把dbs的钱转到citibank的账户。)eh, that means you can refer to my answerhehe, it's good that I did not misunderstand you:)your "balance" = credit card bill.

just take note of the 3 days policy - at the time you pay ur credit card bill via internet banking, you may think you already paid your bill, while to the other party, the credit card company, they may not be able to receive your payment immediatelly, and they will assume taht the transation will take three working days to reach them.

anyway, the answer is positive, you can call 62255225 citibank hotline to check it out, on how to apply the payment via internet banking or giro, also, if you have any doubts, ask them... usually the bank tele-officers are quite nice:)

hope you can solve it soonest!

[笑眯眯 (10-6 9:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 笑眯眯:eh, that means you can refer to my answerhehe, it's good that I did not misunderstand you:)your "balance" = credit card bill. ...)not the answer i wantit's certainly that we can pay citi-credit bill by citi-internet-banking,but i wonder whether we can pay by DBS-internet-banking.

do not emphsize "3 days" for which I don't care.

BTW, I can't understand your english completely cause mine is poor.

[彩色的白纸 (10-6 12:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 JYH:你可以通过Internet付账单但不是从DBS internet banking申请。而是通过Citibank申请。我记得当时我是用citibank账单上所附的一张申请表,...)yeswe can pay via citi-internet banking, but i'm not sure whether we can use other internet banking. I have checked with citibank hotline and they're also not sure about this issue.

I will check with DBS hotline.

Anyway, thanks!
[彩色的白纸 (10-6 12:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 彩色的白纸:yeswe can pay via citi-internet banking, but i'm not sure whether we can use other internet banking. I have checked with citiban...)付支票比较直接You can also apply through CitiBank for Giro payment, which will deduct from your DBS account.[喝水 (10-6 13:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

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