请问有申请EP的吗?我的论文交给老板, 老板还没有submit. 公司给我申请EP, 现在移民局给公司来了一封信, 说要一封学校的信证明我的身份, 就是已修完课程可以拿到学位. 请问有谁知道这是什么信. 是student status letter 还是转成part-time的那封信?[h12345 (2-19 17:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
comewhen you finish all the requiremenys which lead to degree, such as submit the report to OAS, pass all the exams etc. OAS will give you a confirm letter which has the same function as degree scroll and you can use it to apply EP and PR[selfay (2-19 22:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
我想应该是status letter可以先问一下,你是研究生还是本科生?by coursework 还是by research 的吗?我也正要打算申请ep,所以我想是否我们可以交流一下呢?希望尽快得到你的答复。[朝朝暮暮 (2-21 0:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
[朝朝暮暮 (2-21 0:51, Long long ago)]
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