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各位senior,请不吝赐教~(sm2) 感谢前一阵几位热心的senior的支持,小弟已顺利通过了sm2的面试,12月初即将赴新,去以前有几个小问题,是这样的:

[大眼蛙 (9-14 22:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

-->1. computer is a must-buy, either laptop or desktop will do; here
2. here
3. depends, personally do not recommend AP (accelerated program)
4. yes
[Archangel (9-14 23:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 Archangel:-->1. computer is a must-buy, either laptop or desktop will do; here 2. here 3. depends, personally do not recommend AP (acceler...)不好意思,请问第三条什么意思??[大眼蛙 (9-14 23:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 大眼蛙:不好意思,请问第三条什么意思??)I mean...whether the course is suitable for you, it depends...

there're examples of ppl who take the course(AP) are very successful, also many turn out to be average or even below average...

personally I don't recommend you to take the AP course.
[Archangel (9-14 23:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 Archangel:I mean...whether the course is suitable for you, it depends... there're examples of ppl who take the course(AP) are very succes...)不好意思AP就是指7个月的预科吗?不好意思AP就是指7个月的预科吗?why don't you recommend?[大眼蛙 (9-14 23:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 大眼蛙:不好意思AP就是指7个月的预科吗?不好意思AP就是指7个月的预科吗?why don't you recommend?)yepAP refers to Accelerated Program,
RP refers to Regular Program;

why don't i recommend ap..?
hehe... why not give yourself more time to learn more things?
why not give yourself 20 months to try out something that you have not tried before? 7 months' course is rather stressed you know...

anyway.. if you're strong enough in acdemic area and you think 20 months is too long for a pre-university period, you could give it a try.
[Archangel (9-14 23:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

手机肯定要在国内买嘛,更多选择,更有个性![pumpkin (9-15 1:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

标准答案见内1. 在这里买比较好吧,国内水货多,到了这里你可以在学校里买,
便宜是一方面, 出了问题在学校里面就可以修, 还有无息贷款。
当然如果有特殊情况, 就在国内买吧。e.g.你家就是卖笔记本的。

2. 随便吧,价格都差不多,国内买的就一定有中文输入,这里有的品牌

3. 考到7个月的不是太容易吧,考试就是理科的和英语的考试,看个人吧,
各有千秋, 上了ap,可以早一年毕业,算是省了一年的时间?不上ap,
including me.

4. 80% 是的。
[快使用双节棍 (9-15 10:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

[鱼香肉丝 (9-15 10:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

from your grand-grand senior : )感谢前一阵几位热心的senior的支持,小弟已顺利通过了sm2的面试,12月初即将赴新,去以前有几个小问题,是这样的:

>>congratulations first.........any idea about how many students from shandong will be coming?


>>Not necessary if you take AP. most time the course is conducted in a taught basis or paper based.
and plenty of computers are easily accessable in both campus.

however if you insist on buying one, buy in singapore.


>> singapore, u can get cheaper HP if you subscribe a normal plan here (can ask seniors/PR friends for help)


>>I was AP in 3rd batch, personally i enjoyed AP course and think the AP course offered by NIE is good enough.

in our class (12 AP students ) , 80% of us are ranked top 15% in respective course, some are among top students.
this ratio is higher than the figure for RP.


>> for bridging course (or AP enrichment course) it seems has been decided during your interview, you don't have a say.

>> for your degree course, most time it is depends on the major you choose, and if both Univ. offers that major, then it is by chance/vacancy.


>>welcome : )
[QQyu (9-15 11:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

==>hebei senior...:)到了新加坡以后,几乎每个人都会买笔记本和手机,不过是时间早晚的问题。如果你现在在国内有了手机或者笔记本,直接拿来用不是很方便吗?要是现在还没有的话,我建议你多带些钱到这边来买,不说别的,坏了以后修起来多方便啊!

至于AP考试,如果你真的有兴趣,那就需要现在做些准备了,看一些高等数学什么的。 个人认为那个考试不是太重要了,因为多数人还是要take 20个月的bridging course。 当然,多数河北来的SM2的年龄都稍大一些,如果可以省一年的时间,确实不错啦,不至于向我现在这样,总觉得自己很老,5555555~ :p

上哪个大学,我认为是看运气了,其实和国内高考填志愿分大小年是一样的,呵呵~~。 我认为你现在没有必要考虑大学的问题啦,因为等你过来之后,你会有足够的时间来了解各个学校,各个学科,我保证到时候你的想法和现在的不一样。

OK, 就到这里,Welcome to Singapore...

[Shily (9-15 23:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 Shily:==>hebei senior...:)到了新加坡以后,几乎每个人都会买笔记本和手机,不过是时间早晚的问题。如果你现在在国内有了手机或者笔记本,直接...)哦,谢谢,那AP每一科具体都考什么呢?[大眼蛙 (9-16 0:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 大眼蛙:哦,谢谢,那AP每一科具体都考什么呢?)努力搜索记忆。。。如果你在国大的话,只考英语,数学,物理,南大好像还要考化学,我在国大上的bridging course,so 没有考化学。


物理的题不会很难,高中的知识只要你没有忘就应该可以,不过建议你复习物理的时候看英文的教材,了解一些单词,比如:force, veloctiy, speed, current, voltage.....,否则考试的时候可能会读不懂题目的意思。国大的物理还会有一些要你解释现象的题目,我记得很清楚我们当时的一道题,很有意思啦,大概是这样说的:There is a cup of hot coffee with the temperature 80'c and a cup of cold milk with the temperature 5'c. Before you drink, you can let the coffee cool down first and then add the cold milk in; or you can add the cold milk in first, and then let them cool down. So if you want to drink the coffee as soon as possible, which way are you going to choose?呵呵,数据是我自己编的。


ok, that's all:)
[Shily (9-16 10:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

(引用 Shily:努力搜索记忆。。。如果你在国大的话,只考英语,数学,物理,南大好像还要考化学,我在国大上的bridging course,so 没有考化学。 数学...)thank you~[大眼蛙 (9-16 11:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

(引用 大眼蛙:thank you~)Welcome:)[Shily (9-16 12:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

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