flying rick 等高手请进.我在ntu.,最近安了nus 的vpn. 但现在无法连接nus内的ftp服务器,也无法使用
估计是我的vpn配置有问题, 但不只毛病在哪.
不够,是不是只要在vpn的option-allication lanucher 把那个程序位置放进
去, 然后我登陆vpn后使用改程序就象从nus内使用该程序一样?
[袋鼠的老大 (6-2 23:00, Long long ago)]
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I think that's no problem with VPN.1) It is a fact that almost no FTP server can be connected from outside nowadays. I said "almost," since I didn't test this out recently, so I cannot tell for sure.
2) As for bandwidth, VPN still uses the network link that you are using per normal (i.e. the NTU network). In fact, VPN increases the network communication overhead (both computational power and network bandwidth) significantly. So if you need more bandwidth, I don't think VPN helps.[Flying (6-3 11:38, Long long ago)]
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(引用 Flying:I think that's no problem with VPN.1) It is a fact that almost no FTP server can be connected from outside nowadays. I said "alm...)多谢flying老大~可是....vpn是不是相当代服务器? 我听说选用好的代理可以提供连接某一特定网络的速
假如现在我想连中国的教育网, 但ntu
[袋鼠的老大 (6-3 16:04, Long long ago)]
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