谢谢了!![*小耗子* (4-17 9:44, Long long ago)]
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Borrow your thread.till which date does the cancellation apply to?
May 8th?
thanks a lot![JiangZM (4-17 10:44, Long long ago)]
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this page can not be displayed[魑魅魍魉 (4-17 11:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
CA777, 2,5,2的排列[默儿 (4-17 21:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
(引用 默儿:CA777, 2,5,2的排列)CA?[有话想说 (4-17 22:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
(引用 有话想说:CA?)sorry, CA是国航航班号。波音777是航班的型号[默儿 (4-18 1:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼