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【其它话题】华新头一条,霍金去世了!Stephen HawkingImage copyrightAFPStephen Hawking - who died aged 76 - battled motor neurone disease to become one of the most respected and best-known scientists of his age.
A man of great humour, he became a popular ambassador for science and was always careful to ensure that the general public had ready access to his work.
His book A Brief History of Time became an unlikely best-seller although it is unclear how many people actually managed to get to the end of it.
He appeared in a number of popular TV shows and lent his synthesised voice to various recordings.
Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford on 8 January 1942. His father, a research biologist, had moved with his mother from London to escape German bombing.
Hawking grew up in London and St Albans and, after gaining a first-class degree in physics from Oxford, went on to Cambridge for postgraduate research in cosmology.

[nie (3-14 12:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

果断沙发外星人觉得霍金泄露得太多了,有木有[nie (3-14 12:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

挺难受的哎…  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [jinianmy31 (3-14 12:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

rest in peace  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [wangjileya (3-14 12:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

还记得时间简史高中第一本此类科普读物。rip  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [Chels (3-14 12:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

76岁哪怕是正常人也活够本儿了。。老爷子活出了奇迹  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [小馋牛 (3-14 13:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

老爷子离天更近了感谢老爷子很多的教诲!老爷子应该是继牛顿,爱因斯坦后又一牛逼人物![王者农药 (3-14 13:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 小馋牛:76岁哪怕是正常人也活够本儿了。。老爷子活出了奇迹)可不人生七十古来稀  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [我来看你了 (3-14 13:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

rip  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [功夫熊猫 (3-14 13:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

RIP  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [JSlong (3-14 15:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

貌似没有撕点 华新er不太有热情哎 RIP  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [狮子王 (3-14 15:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

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