【吐槽八卦】Zika大爆发部长说: this can be a wide spread thing !
[真实的马甲 (8-29 13:21, Long long ago)]
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觉得对新加坡旅游业会影响很大,整个经济可能是雪上加霜[政治反动色彩 (8-29 15:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
[灵山 (8-29 16:10, Long long ago)]
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[真实的马甲 (8-29 18:14, Long long ago)]
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(引用 灵山:觉得早就已经扩散到全岛了查了120人,中了40人 这比例肯定不是刚开始传播的样子 只是寨卡病毒的症状非常轻微,很多人中了也不知道自己中...)刚怀孕就摊上蚊子...前两天我也被咬了,现在倒是没事儿,但愿也不会出事。摸木头去了... [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [闰金 (8-30 8:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
大量zika来袭 昨天又确认15例 孕妇都请做好防范措施 你准备好了吗?
[真实的马甲 (8-30 8:37, Long long ago)]
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(引用 灵山:觉得早就已经扩散到全岛了查了120人,中了40人
只是寨卡病毒的症状非常轻微,很多人中了也不知道自己中...)教你怎么辨认这种毒蚊子Like dengue fever, to prevent the spread of the virus, we must first prevent the breeding of its vector, the Aedes mosquito. The Aedes mosquito is easily identifiable by the distinctive black and white stripes on its body. It prefers to breed in clean, stagnant water easily found in our homes. To prevent breeding of the Aedes mosquito, we need to frequently check and remove stagnant water in our homes.
Travellers to countries with local transmission of the Zika virus should protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing long, covered clothing, applying insect-repellent, and sleeping under mosquito nets or in rooms with wire-mesh screens to keep out mosquitoes. They should seek medical attention promptly if they become unwell.
While there is currently no evidence that pregnant women are more likely to get Zika virus infection, the consequences can be more serious if a pregnant woman is infected, as the Zika virus infection can cause microcephaly in the unborn foetus of pregnant women. As such, pregnant women should postpone non-essential travel to countries with ongoing outbreaks. They should reconsider their travel plans to areas that are not experiencing outbreaks but have reported local transmission of Zika virus. If they must travel to affected areas, they should undertake strict precautions against mosquito bites.
All travellers returning from areas with ongoing outbreaks of Zika should adopt safer sexual practices, e.g. consistent and correct use of condoms during sex, or consider abstinence for at least eight weeks after their return. Male travellers who are sexual partners of pregnant women should adopt these precautions throughout the women’s pregnancy. People diagnosed with Zika should adopt safer sex practices or consider abstinence for at least 6 months. Travellers who have returned to Singapore from affected areas should monitor their health for the next 14 days and consult a doctor if they have symptoms of Zika, such as fever, skin rashes, joint and muscle pains, headaches and red eyes. They should inform the doctor of the areas that they have travelled to.
[真实的马甲 (8-30 15:26, Long long ago)]
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