华新用户资料 -- Daydreamer
用户昵称 Daydreamer 性别 Unknown
真实姓名   出生年月 2004-07-21
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 177 在线时间 53.6小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 382
华新财富 482 华新币
头像 签名档
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
Minigolf...  2004-08-08 23:15
Recently I found out that Gameboy Advance is the  2004-08-02 14:15
帖子标题 花花 发表于
一些人的道德观真低下。  2004-08-13 12:36
Easy, write to the stranger rat somewhere.  2004-08-13 10:30
well, I had best stay in my classics camp.  2004-08-13 10:22
(d) is better for thumb ups...  2004-08-12 20:45
Creative manufactures a "piano on a keyboard".  2004-08-12 20:32
deposit it into your POSB account.  2004-08-12 20:29
Why nobody likes my jokes?  2004-08-12 20:27
Anyway, I have found some materials from a US  2004-08-12 20:26
That is not so fair.  2004-08-12 20:25