lecturer交了我们一个tips考试时从最后的填空往前做,最难的填空趁着脑子还清晰的时候拿下尽量多的分数。我就这么做了,paper1 考了1个小时交卷,paper 2花了一个半小时。
P1 提前交卷了!好棒。请教:Ture of false
1.A practising director of an estate agency has to be registered as a salesperson.
2.An ex-manager who is alleged to have misappropriated the company's fund is not be able to fulfill the "fit &proper "criteria for registration as a salesperson.
1.A practising director of an estate agency has to be registered as a salesperson.
2.An ex-manager who is alleged to have misappropriated the company's fund is not be able to fulfill the "fit &proper "criteria for registration as a salesperson.