有买unit trust 的吗? 我是新手, 想请教个问题
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作者:lanpy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:18) 发表:2007-01-30 09:54:47  楼主  关注此帖
有买unit trust 的吗? 我是新手, 想请教个问题
最近在fundsupermart开了个帐户, 但也要在银行开一个. DBS, OCBC or UOB, 哪一家会费用低一些?
我知道其实到每一家问问就知道了, 但觉得这里会有蛮多人熟悉情况的. 谢谢!
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2480) 发表:2007-01-30 21:42:35  2楼 评分:
用你已有的saving account就可以了。
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作者:留名 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:7989) 发表:2007-01-30 23:16:45  3楼
你没有必要专门为fundsupermart而开一个银行帐号用你已有的saving account就可以了。
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作者:banban (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2772) 发表:2007-01-30 23:55:16  4楼 评分:
i believe you should have a saving account, right? no matter which bank, you can
use it to pay the purchased fund! thus, i do not think you need to apply any new bank account!

the purchasing procedue is as follows , if you purchase by cash:

1. log in to your fundsupermart account via internet
2. purchase the funds that you favor;
3. with 2 or 3 days, you pay the fund purchasing bill by i-banking or cheque...etc.(if you use i-banking, you have to pay to the specific account under the name of ifast ltd, with your fundsupermart account number written as reference)

anyway, pls take my words as reference only, because i never really buy funds in fundsupermart, but dollordex, as the sale charge is lower! but the precedues are the same for them, i think.
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2480) 发表:2007-01-30 23:55:21  5楼
我在FSM买unit trust就是用的DBS saving account呢。
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2480) 发表:2007-01-30 23:57:55  6楼
i believe you should have a saving account, right? no matter which bank, you canuse it to pay the purchased fund! thus, i do not think you need to apply any new bank account! the purchasing procedue is as follows , if you purchase by cash: 1. log in to your fundsupermart account via internet 2. purchase the funds that you favor; 3. with 2 or 3 days, you pay the fund purchasing bill by i-banking or cheque...etc.(if you use i-banking, you have to pay to the specific account under the name of ifast ltd, with your fundsupermart account number written as reference) anyway, pls take my words as reference only, because i never really buy funds in fundsupermart, but dollordex, as the sale charge is lower! but the precedues are the same for them, i think.
今天我发现有些funds在dollardex比FSM的sales charge要高呢,
就像今天买LC vietnam的时候,DD是4.2%, FSM是2.25%
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作者:banban (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2772) 发表:2007-01-31 00:06:27  7楼
今天我发现有些funds在dollardex比FSM的sales charge要高呢,就像今天买LC vietnam的时候,DD是4.2%, FSM是2.25% 以前我也都是在DD买的。
still 2.2% . i just checked. anyway, i am not interested
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作者:lanpy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:18) 发表:2007-01-31 13:05:41  8楼
i believe you should have a saving account, right? no matter which bank, you canuse it to pay the purchased fund! thus, i do not think you need to apply any new bank account! the purchasing procedue is as follows , if you purchase by cash: 1. log in to your fundsupermart account via internet 2. purchase the funds that you favor; 3. with 2 or 3 days, you pay the fund purchasing bill by i-banking or cheque...etc.(if you use i-banking, you have to pay to the specific account under the name of ifast ltd, with your fundsupermart account number written as reference) anyway, pls take my words as reference only, because i never really buy funds in fundsupermart, but dollordex, as the sale charge is lower! but the precedues are the same for them, i think.
I want to use CPF OA to buy...
So i need to open a new bank account, is that true? (i asked OCBC, this is what the officer said..)

Thanks for ur reply :)
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作者:lanpy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:18) 发表:2007-01-31 13:06:25  9楼
你没有必要专门为fundsupermart而开一个银行帐号用你已有的saving account就可以了。
thanks U ~~
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作者:banban (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2772) 发表:2007-02-01 01:33:51  10楼
I want to use CPF OA to buy...So i need to open a new bank account, is that true? (i asked OCBC, this is what the officer said..) Thanks for ur reply :)
u need to open an CPFIS account; you can go any local bank branch to ask
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