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作者:nanoscale (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:37) 发表:2011-03-11 21:00:01  7楼 
No need to cancel the current EP if you want to change employer I checked the MOM website: To apply for a new Employment Pass whenever the Employment Pass holder changes an employer. There is no need to cancel the existing pass before doing so. Please refer to: http://www.mom.gov.sg/foreign-manpower/passes-visas/employment-pass/inform-mom/Pages/update-of-details.aspx#employerchange I visited the MOM in person on Mar-07-2011,got the same answer.
不过新公司的HR在帮我申到EP后还是叮嘱我要让前老板把EP cancel掉。
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