泰国归来晒图,手机拍的,轻喷。 曼谷篇
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 11:46:43  楼主  关注此帖评分:
泰国归来晒图,手机拍的,轻喷。 曼谷篇

为什么选择泰国呢? 之前去过曼谷,印象不好,所以泰国不是首选,但是想着附近走走,而且中国团还没有涌入,所以现在是最好机会咯


本人喜欢估计,徒步,拍照,哈哈 不喜欢购物,所以总体来说对曼谷印象还是很差,喜欢清迈。



第一站 曼谷

不可免俗的去了三大庙宇,确实各有特色。 泰国门票也是全面涨价,好像是翻倍的涨哦。

虽然有BTS(地铁),但是去景点还是要打车,或者tuktuk,或者坐公交车。 交通堵塞有些地方严重的很。


大皇宫 500baht 最贵的门票了

May be an image of outdoors

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of temple

May be an image of 1 person, standing, outdoors and temple

May be an image of 2 people, outdoors, temple and text

May be an image of outdoors



卧佛寺 挺大的 200baht门票 对卧佛不感兴趣 倒是佛塔很美

May be an image of outdoors, temple and text that says "佛 寺 有 很 的 塔 A 0 卧"

May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and temple

May be an image of 5 people and people standing

May be an image of outdoors and temple

No photo description available.


郑王庙 100baht 在chao phraya 湄南河的另外一边,所以坐了一下摆渡,才5baht。 这里应该是看日出的好地方,可惜已经没有那个劲头早早起床了。这里很多人租泰服拍照,貌似不贵,但是本人对身材没自信,哈哈还是算了。

May be an image of 2 people, monument and outdoors

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors and temple

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2022-09-14 22:00:01。
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 12:14:28  2楼
泰国 大城篇

大城在曼谷周边,我一个人所以就找了一日游提供交通方便。大概65新币 tripadvisor上订的,可能当地订会更便宜些。 

泰国大部分人都不讲英文,普及率很不高,包括很多服务类行业的都不讲英文,所以很庆幸我们的导游英文超棒,一路上跟我们聊泰国的历史古迹,可以感受他为自己的国家骄傲。 大城是曼谷之前的首都,后来被缅甸攻破,所以迁都曼谷。 有个景点在泰囧出现过。


1. bang pa-in palace, 100baht 门票 不值,可以弃。 是避暑夏宫, 现在看到的都是RAMA四世,五世先后修建扩建的,犹如一个大公园,容纳了各种特色的建筑,可惜跟团的坏处就是有时间限制,只能匆匆走过,没有太多时间拍拍拍。也没有很满意的片子

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of 8 people, people standing and outdoors

May be an image of 5 people and outdoors

很有特色的当地缆车 哈哈


2. wat yai chai mongkol 居然免费,难怪人那么多。大城很多佛像的头都不见了,被缅军砍了,或者当地人砍了卖钱。 所以这里的佛像算是保留的很好。都有头。 这里就是泰囧的取景点,宝宝到此拜佛。

May be an image of 3 people, monument and outdoors

May be an image of 4 people and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of outdoors and text that says "胜利之庙 大城 4/9/22 佛祖 你的头上有点绿哦"

May be an image of monument and outdoors


3. wat mahathat 50baht 门票,这里有卖套票,如果一个人走建议买套票划算一些,而且可以看的自由一些。

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of tree and nature

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text


4. wat phra si sanphet  50baht 门票 是三位国王长眠的王室守护寺院。 与曼谷玉佛寺齐名。 有一座250公斤黄金覆盖的大佛被缅军熔化抢走。 目前仅存三座锡兰式骨灰塔。

May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text

May be an image of monument, outdoors, brick wall and text

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text that says "Phrasi sanphet 大城 4/9/22 很重要的王家寺院 但被éé 摧毀破坏"


5. wat phra ram 50baht 门票  有几座高棉风格的玉米佛塔

May be an image of 4 people and outdoors

May be an image of 2 people, monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of 6 people, monument and outdoors



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作者:nuspigsty (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1142) 发表:2022-09-14 12:33:08  3楼
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作者: (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:507) 发表:2022-09-14 13:41:20  4楼
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作者:Haishan (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:3500) 发表:2022-09-14 13:52:37  5楼
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作者:山水 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2338) 发表:2022-09-14 14:03:56  6楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:09:52  7楼
泰国 素可泰篇

应该说去素可泰是正确的决定,虽然浪费了两天的车程在路上。 因为在素可泰待了两晚,所以可以比较尽兴得拍照游玩。



1. 素可泰历史公园  100baht门票 相当值了 因为公园打理得很棒 而且没人 就是没有卖饮料的小卖部。 

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of 1 person, monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of 1 person, monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument, outdoors and text

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of 1 person, monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of nature


2. wat si chum 在古城外, 和wat phra pahi luang一起另外收票100baht 虽然看的东西不多,但还是有点惊艳

May be an image of monument, tree and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors


May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument, outdoors and brick wall

May be an image of monument, outdoors and brick wall

May be an image of nature


3. 午后有点晒晕了,轻微中暑感觉,然后一场暴雨,哎。赶紧还了脚车回酒店休息,最后去看了 群象庙

May be an image of outdoors and temple

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors



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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:11:33  8楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:25:33  9楼
泰国 清迈篇

第一次来清迈,住在了古城里,游客不多,没有交通堵塞,没有高楼大厦,一个一个小店连着,喜欢这样逛的感觉。 只有在清迈服务员居然会说中文,看来中国团队来这里的很多。 会说英文的仍然不多。 清迈的庙宇和曼谷的有些不同,好像受缅甸的影响更大一些,我们来看看古城里的三座古庙。 

 1. wat chedi luang 是清迈城里最高建筑了,以前有90米高的佛塔,但是一次地震把尖顶震塌了。 50baht 

May be an image of 3 people and outdoors


May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors, temple and text that says "Wat chedi luang 清迈的地标 9/9/22 有和尚住宿的地方 还有一个大学 V"

May be an image of monument, outdoors and temple

May be an image of 1 person, standing, monument and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors, temple and text


2. wat phra singh 免费 图中标错寺庙了,可以忽略,搞混了。 去的时候庙里在做仪式,老和尚领着大家诵经呢。


May be an image of 2 people and indoor

May be an image of 6 people, people standing and indoor

No photo description available.

May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text

May be an image of 2 people and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors and text that says "母 Wat chedi 阳 碍 luang 我 地 标"

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of monument and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors and temple

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of flower, nature and text that says "Wat chedi luang 清迈的"

May be an image of 2 people and outdoors


3. wat chiang man 免费  这三个庙都可以走到,但是这个来的人少些 因为面积比较小把,看的东西少些。

May be an image of 2 people, outdoors and temple

No photo description available.

May be an image of elephant and outdoors



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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:34:43  10楼
泰国 清迈 doi inthanon 一日游


DOI INTHANON PARK是个国家公园,有泰国的最高点2565米。 天气不佳,雾气很大,不过也没那么热了。 看了瀑布,水量挺大的,但是不能游泳。徒步了2小时,看了当地的植被,稻田和村庄,买点纪念品支持一下。 感觉不错。 我在trip advisor签的 63新币,当地签1500baht,便宜一些。


May be an image of waterfall, nature and text

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of money

May be an image of tree, outdoors and text

May be an image of 8 people, people standing, tree and outdoors

May be an image of nature, tree and bridge

May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text

May be an image of 1 person and indoor

May be an image of flower and outdoors

May be an image of waterfall, nature and text

May be an image of 1 person, nature and waterfall

May be an image of nature and tree

May be an image of tree, outdoors and text

May be an image of nature, grass, tree and text

May be an image of mountain, nature, cloud, grass and tree

May be an image of nature

May be an image of tree and outdoorsMay be an image of 1 person and mountain


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作者:手可摘星辰 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:167) 发表:2022-09-14 14:37:47  11楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:46:20  12楼
泰国 清莱 一日游

清莱比清迈更加靠北一些,再往上就到金三角了,缅甸 老挝 泰国国界交点处。

这个也参加了一日游的团 1500baht,景点都是现代化的建筑,不是我的菜。 而且游客很多,都是差不多的时间到达,又掐着时间不太舒服。 导游虽然说英文,但全程没有什么讲解,也没有拍合照,所以虽然我们是个很小的团(8个人)大家都不熟。 这个一日游我觉得可以放弃,可以发掘其他值得玩的地方。

白庙 门票100baht  蓝庙免费 黑屋 80baht门票 长颈村门票不知道多少


May be an image of 3 people and outdoors

May be an image of 3 people, outdoors and text that says "M 是一所现代化的佛庙 金碧辉煌的厕所 白庙中 是艺术家自费打造 10/9/22"

May be an image of 2 people and outdoors


May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of nature

May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of 5 people, outdoors and text

May be an image of 5 people

May be an image of outdoors and text that says "蓝庙清菜 10/9/22"

May be an image of outdoors and text that says "脌露脙铆脟氓虏脣 10/9/22 釈樶垍"

May be an image of outdoors

May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

May be an image of 1 person, footwear and outdoors

May be an image of 2 people, child, people standing and outdoors



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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 14:47:36  13楼
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作者:小馋牛 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:32100) 发表:2022-09-14 14:50:05  14楼
泰国 清莱 一日游清莱比清迈更加靠北一些,再往上就到金三角了,缅甸 老挝 泰国国界交点处。 这个也参加了一日游的团 1500baht,景点都是现代化的建筑,不是我的菜。 而且游客很多,都是差不多的时间到达,又掐着时间不太舒服。 导游虽然说英文,但全程没有什么讲解,也没有拍合照,所以虽然我们是个很小的团(8个人)大家都不熟。 这个一日游我觉得可以放弃,可以发掘其他值得玩的地方。 白庙 门票100baht  蓝庙免费 黑屋 80baht门票 长颈村门票不知道多少         (more...)
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作者: (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:507) 发表:2022-09-14 15:29:19  15楼
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作者:skyblue23 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:90) 发表:2022-09-14 18:03:14  16楼
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作者:Haishan (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:3500) 发表:2022-09-14 18:29:51  17楼
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作者:西蜀霸王 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:22684) 发表:2022-09-14 18:36:19  18楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 19:10:03  19楼
后现代? 笑死了
是啥概念? 呵呵 多谢赏析
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2022-09-14 19:10:45  20楼
谢谢鼓励 我会再接再厉
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