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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2011-07-21 17:35:35  53楼 
[问题] 怎样的情况才算 “言语太过有攻击性” ?
Vege is the moderator of this forum so I will follow his standard. I usually go to other forums which people are more straight forward and direct. It seems that here do not welcome my style of writing. People here like to be 'polite' except for a few like me. Anyway, some of my postings are meant to challenge self-esteem of certain people. Older players like qiyisheng took it very well and I respect him for that, younger maybe not so. It is normal for people to feel offended sometimes. It is true that my contribution to xiangqi is too little and maybe it is time for this old man to keep quiet from now onwards.
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