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作者:小黑鸟 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:144) 发表:2004-06-11 22:47:01  楼主  关注此帖
远一点的也无所谓,以前电视上老有一个广告,说什么在加冷地铁站附近有家具城(不确定有没有记错),请知道的同志们提供一下讯息好吗? 不要二手的,谢谢!

我想买电脑椅,衣橱,放杂物的小柜子,朋友想买一张婴儿床,一起买可以省点运费.... :)
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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2004-06-11 23:28:54  2楼 评分:
Just take MRT to Kallang station. You should see it just a moment before the train arrives at the station. The shop is just on the bank of Kallang River, which should be quite easy to spot.
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作者:小黑鸟 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:144) 发表:2004-06-12 05:41:11  3楼
KallangJust take MRT to Kallang station. You should see it just a moment before the train arrives at the station. The shop is just on the bank of Kallang River, which should be quite easy to spot.
谢谢!!!! :D
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