可 以 问 你 吗?HOLLAND V 是 什 么?
我 想 找PART-TIME 的 工 作,
不 想 做WAITRESS, 已 经 蛮 熟 的 了, 因 为 很 累 不 想 做
也 不 想 做 家 教, 那 些 小 孩 子 太 烦 了
还 有 什 么 可 以 做 的
也 不 想 做 推 销
因 为 自 认 不 是 很 会 讲 话
sure, please~~~~~~~
Holland Village, where you can find lots of pubs, restaurants, boutiques.
if you have good academic result, you can approach some professors and ask for short-term projects. some of them may be no payment, yet some may have. and it quite depends on your performance, and the professor's generosity.
personally speaking, this is the best way to spend your holiday, while earning something (in terms of experience and money perhaps), you are building personal relationship with professors, which may of great help for your future.
if you really have nothing to do, go back home. your parents may miss you so.
if you have good academic result, you can approach some professors and ask for short-term projects. some of them may be no payment, yet some may have. and it quite depends on your performance, and the professor's generosity.
personally speaking, this is the best way to spend your holiday, while earning something (in terms of experience and money perhaps), you are building personal relationship with professors, which may of great help for your future.
if you really have nothing to do, go back home. your parents may miss you so.