华新用户资料 --- K歌之王
真名Panda 生日2003-11-28 
籍贯/出生地 所在学校NUS 
发帖次数336 在线时间160.5小时
用户等级5 - 略有小成积分(经验值)1113 
财富指数1493 华新币 
头像签名档3.0 beta
A panda bear walks into a restaurant.    He orders the special and eats it.    After eating, he pulls out a pistol,    kills the waiter and starts to walk out the door.    The owner of the restaurant says,    "Hey, what are you doing? You come in here,    you kill my waiter and walk away without saying a word.   I don't understand."    The panda says, "Look it up in the dictionary",    and walks out the door.    So the owner gets out a dictionary    and looks under the heading "Panda". It reads:       panda black and white animal;    lives in central China;    eats shoots and leaves.


我的最猛十贴 (非0byte)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
【星梦奇缘】(zt) 领分。。。一年一次不容易啊。。。 标签 2005-11-28 00:45
yeah!!!! 标签 2004-08-30 00:34
60! 标签 2004-08-30 03:25
恭喜 :@) 标签 2005-10-04 02:57
more.. 标签 2004-08-30 03:25
walm welcome.. 标签 2004-09-01 01:19
帖子标题 花花 发表于
人只能活一次。  2009-02-24 16:29
窃以为人还是厚道点比较好  2008-11-27 18:42
我感觉还好吧。中午和下午有一两次。  2008-11-11 16:12
人的确不多。  2008-10-30 00:09
我道歉。  2008-10-27 10:47
谢谢,我记住了!  2008-10-01 00:04
太感谢了!看来我还有很多功课要做啊。  2008-10-01 00:04
这里人气越来越旺了啊借人气问一下有没有人知道新加坡哪里有卖墙纸的。  2008-09-29 22:01
this 标签 2006-06-13 21:12
of coz  2006-06-13 21:11