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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20535) 发表:2019-08-16 17:45:35  23楼 

97的危机大概率不会重演,以坡目前的家庭收入水平,还有存款水平,别说组屋,公寓依然没超过可负担水平。别忘了政府并不需要确保100%或者50%的人口买的起公寓,目前依然78%左右人口住在组屋,他们只需要确保 top 20%的家庭买的起公寓就好,虽然这些人买二手组屋和EC并不受限制。去年top 20% 收入家庭底线大概是一年200K, 接近华新“贫困线”...




Based on caveats lodged, we saw a -57% reduction in resale volume from 3,951 units in 2Q2018 to 1,689 units in 2Q2019. New sales volume on the other hand, fell by just -3%, with 2,215 units in 2Q2018 to 2,147 units in 2Q2019.

Government reduced private housing supply under the GLS programme for 2H2019 by 15%.

Despite that, home prices remained relatively stable, with the price index rising by just 0.5% over the last two quarters of 2018, and registered just a slight dip in the first quarter of the year. But in a surprising turn of events, home prices unexpectedly rose again in 2Q2019

As mentioned above, after two consecutive quarters of decline, private home prices rose unexpectedly in 2Q2019, during which the URA flash estimate registered a positive change of 1.3%. This brought the year-to-date change for 2019 to +0.6%.

The uptick was led by a strong growth of 3% in the Rest of Central Region (RCR) and 1.5% in the Core Central Region (CCR) prices.

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