昨天交房子 他就疯狂的 各种找茬 然后我和他解释 这个原来就有的
他就说 我们现在是inspection 你以后再解释 然后找了2个小时 说结束了 让我们走了 他和他老婆继续在里面带了好几个小时 给我们发了一个email 完全不给我们商量的机会 说直接按照quotation扣钱 修理以后cb结束在修理 因为我们之前拒绝了他的pre-condition check...
I have given you an alternative for a pre-inspection 2 weeks before (date 21/04/2020) with the landlord on either face-face or a live zoom , but you rejected. The reason of a pre-inspection was to give you a alternative to reinstate the house back to tenantable conditions and make good all the damages but you did not accept this. So I will get the contractor and approval from landlord and proceed with the rectification and reinstatement works after the Circuit Breaker period. I will advise landlord on the cost of these works and the return of balance of your security deposit in due time.