我没有100万, 所以即使我看好房地产, 我也玩不起, 风险太大.
关于散户, 对于大部分人来说, active的投资股票是不化算的, 毕竟这个还是蛮专业的一个行业. 嗯, 技术含量有那么一点点, 而且势道不好, 流氓横行啊, 碰到eron,cao就惨了. 唯一的例外是在大牛市, 比如1990-1998, 或者1950-1960的美国市场. buy-and-hold策略可以保证passive股票投资大把获利. buy-and-hold 在大盘上扬的时候基本不需要费什么心, 也可以获益. 美国也因为2个大牛市, 让大约2/3的家庭成为持股者.
generally speaking, equity market is very risky and of course with large return. It's not unusally to have some stocks surges to 3-4 times their original price (quite a few china names up more than 100% in last 12 months in SGX). I personally think based on the risk level, financial products can be order in this way: derivative (commodity and financial instrument) > equity > real assets > bonds.
unit trust could be a better choice to benefit from stock though it bears different risk (mainly management risk) and additional cost. You don't have to watch stocks everyday. Another good thing is some good units are doing really well.
it's interesting that a company's risk could vary a lot. some company could be riskier than oil derivative while some could be stabler than us Treasury bonds. the risk world is just too amazing.
if you are intersted, we can discuss a bit more.