item unit(g) unit post fee (sgd) unit (pounds) unit (sgd) unit total (sgd)
A Ring of Roses x5 100 1.259 2.88 6.6343104 7.8933104
American Cream 100g 100 1.259 3.33 7.6709214 8.9299214
American Cream 500g x2 500 6.295 10.83 24.9477714 31.2427714
American Creem 250g x2 250 3.1475 6.66 15.3418428 18.4893428
angels on bare skin x3 100 1.259 4.83 11.1262914 12.3852914
Aqua Marina £5.80/100g x1 100 1.259 4.83 11.1262914 12.3852914
Big x4 330 4.1547 8.71 20.0641818 24.2188818
bubblegum lip balms and scrubs x2 25 0.31475 3.96 9.1221768 9.4369268
Caca Marron 325 4.09175 6.04 13.9136232 18.0053732
Caca Noir x4 325 4.09175 6.04 13.9136232 18.0053732
Catastrophe Cosmetic 75 0.94425 4.38 10.0896804 11.0339304
Charity Pot - Trial Size 10 0.1259 0.83 1.9119714 2.0378714
Curly Wurly 220 2.7698 7.46 17.1847068 19.9545068
Cynthia Sylvia Stout 100g 100 1.259 3.25 7.486635 8.745635
Cynthia Sylvia Stout 250g x3 250 3.1475 6.46 14.8811268 18.0286268
Cynthia Sylvia Stout 500g x2 500 6.295 10.42 24.0033036 30.2983036
Daddy O 250g 250 3.1475 7.46 17.1847068 20.3322068
dirty-toothy-tabs 9 0.11331 1.67 3.8469786 3.9602886
Dr. Peppermint *1 55 0.69245 4.58 10.5503964 11.2428464
Dream Cream 240 3.0216 8.54 19.6725732 22.6941732
eau-roma-water 100g 100 1.259 2.88 6.6343104 7.8933104
flying fox shower gel 250 250 3.1475 7.25 16.700955 19.848455
Flying Fox Shower Gel 500g *1 500 6.295 12.71 29.2785018 35.5735018
Flying saucers 100g 100 1.259 3.96 9.1221768 10.3811768
Foam a Friend 240 3.0216 4.79 11.0341482 14.0557482
Freeze 100g 100 1.259 3.29 7.5787782 8.8377782
Fresh Farmacy 100 1.259 3.63 8.3619954 9.6209954
Godiva x21 55 0.69245 4.79 11.0341482 11.7265982
Handy Gurugu 100 1.259 5.71 13.1534418 14.4124418
Helping Hands 100 1.259 5.38 12.3932604 13.6522604
Herbalism x2 100 1.259 4.83 11.1262914 12.3852914
Honey I Washed The Kids x23 100 1.259 2.58 5.9432364 7.2022364
Honey Trap 10 0.1259 4.16 9.5828928 9.7087928
ice blue x7 100 1.259 2.33 5.3673414 6.6263414
Irresistible Bliss x3 55 0.69245 4.58 10.5503964 11.2428464
Jungle x5 55 0.69245 2.29 5.2751982 5.9676482
Karma Bubble Bar x2 100 1.259 2.49 5.7359142 6.9949142
Karma Komba x10 55 0.69245 4.04 9.3064632 9.9989132
lemslip 100 1.259 2.41 5.5516278 6.8106278
Mange too 100 1.259 5.25 12.093795 13.352795
Grass 100g x1 250 3.1475 3.79 8.7305682 11.8780682
Mask of Magaminty 125g x7 125 1.57375 3.75 8.638425 10.212175
Mask of Magaminty 315g x15 315 3.96585 6.58 15.1575564 19.1234064
Mint Julips 25 0.31475 3.96 9.1221768 9.4369268
New x29 55 0.69245 4.04 9.3064632 9.9989132
Noubar Soap 100 1.259 2.58 5.9432364 7.2022364
Oatifix 75 0.94425 4.38 10.0896804 11.0339304
pineapple-grunt 100 1.259 2.04 4.6993032 5.9583032
queen-of-hearts 100 1.259 3.54 8.1546732 9.4136732
Red Rooster 100 1.259 2.92 6.7264536 7.9854536
Rehab 1*£4.75/100g 100 1.259 3.96 9.1221768 10.3811768
Retread 1*£8.99/245g 245 3.08455 7.49 17.2538142 20.3383642
Sandstone 100 1.259 2.41 5.5516278 6.8106278
Sea Vegetable x5 100 1.259 2.41 5.5516278 6.8106278
seanik x5 55 0.69245 4.04 9.3064632 9.9989132
Soak And Float Solid Shampoo 1*£4.85/55g 55 0.69245 4.04 9.3064632 9.9989132
Sugar Babe 1 X £2.65/100g 100 1.259 2.21 5.0909118 6.3499118
Summer Pudding 100 1.259 2.58 5.9432364 7.2022364
Sympathy For The Skin 240 3.0216 8.33 19.1888214 22.2104214
Tea Tree Toner Tab x2 5 0.06295 0.83 1.9119714 1.9749214
Tea Tree Water 250g 250 3.1475 5.63 12.9691554 16.1166554
the-comforter 200 2.518 3.33 7.6709214 10.1889214
Top of the Blocks 240 3.0216 5.63 12.9691554 15.9907554
Ultimate Shine 1*£4.85/55g 55 0.69245 4.04 9.3064632 9.9989132
ultrabland 45g 45 0.56655 5.08 11.7021864 12.2687364
Veganese 250g x3 250 3.1475 6.13 14.1209454 17.2684454
Veganese 500g x4 500 6.295 10.08 23.2200864 29.5150864
Veganese 100g x3 100 1.259 3.08 7.0950264 8.3540264
vit-c-toner-tab 5 0.06295 0.63 1.4512554 1.5142054
wiccy-magic-muscles 70 0.8813 4.75 10.942005 11.823305
snake oirl 55 0.69245 3.71 8.5462818 9.2387318