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作者:cabob (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:12) 发表:2004-09-14 01:08:42  楼主  关注此帖
求救!赴美开会B1签证被拒我是NUS硕士学位(第二年),一篇paper被conference接受,于是申请美国B1/B2签证,竟然被拒!理由是我来新才一年,未婚,女性,所以很有可能去了之后不返回(三天的会议怎么就变成一去不复返?what a ridiculous reason!). 大家听到过这样的案例吗? 请问各位我该怎么办?是否要再申请?会议就在下个月底。多谢各位提成宝贵意见。 FHL 焦急中
Flying can help answering this:
I will also apply for a b1 visa for a conference and i am in year4. From your experiences if most such cases got rejected as I am having quite the similar conditions as you did.

In addition, I will apply visa agent and I have previously been to US for about 10days with a B2 visa before, can that help? Thanks a lot
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作者:cabob (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:12) 发表:2004-09-14 16:11:43  2楼
I think you misunderstood me.What I was referring to was specific cases where they give you ridiculous reasons for rejecting your visa. As you've been to U.S. before by B2 visa, and you have not got any rejection so far (good luck!), your situation is completely different. All I can do to help now is to wish you your best luck! :^)
I see. Thank you very much.
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