所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2023-08-18 09:10  更多评分:

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Never frown even though tomorrow may be grey, may be blue
Who knows who will love your smile in next minute
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小学高年级英文补习 sherryS   (379 bytes , 1577reads )
TLL的价格不比1:1便宜 graduating   (0 bytes , 19reads )
TLL 一个月是420,再加8% GST sherryS   (95 bytes , 16reads )
TLL按节算 graduating   (40 bytes , 27reads )
多谢提醒,才发现刚才看到的420是19年的价钱 sherryS   (189 bytes , 12reads )
六月和12月正常上课。公共假期不上课。 graduating   (202 bytes , 26reads )
六月十二月都上课,这点有点不和人情吧 sherryS   (319 bytes , 19reads )
tll 最最恶心对地方是落在公共假期的课不上课还收钱。 clover_zi   (191 bytes , 17reads )
TLL的英文补习很厉害吗 jjwwd   (30 bytes , 11reads )
就是因为不用脚投票,才让这样的补习中心吊起来卖吧。 阿滋猫   (47 bytes , 16reads )
同问。看google上Novena那间评价不怎么样啊 Hawaii0119   (0 bytes , 13reads )
这么夸张啊 潜水老人   (18 bytes , 10reads )
对,这一点最恶心 爱吃螃蟹的猫   (0 bytes , 10reads )