所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2016-05-22 22:32

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比如 Lorin Hollander, 以下粘贴
At thirteen months he would wake in the middle of the night and proceed to the record player in his family home and play Alexander Nevsky, the work he adored. He knew the order of the twelve sides of the recording and would "go through it endlessly."

Lorin's father was Toscanini's Associate Concertmaster, and later, Concertmaster, with the NBC Symphony for seventeen years. During that time, he was also first violinist of the American Arts String Quartet with the NBC. Lorin would attend rehearsals with his father and remembers that at three years of age, upon returning home after hearing a Haydn serenade, he began to draw spirals on a page so as not to "lose that music." When his father asked what he was doing, Lorin showed him the spirals and followed them as he sang. "You silly boy," his father said. "We have this written down already."

And he showed me a score of music. And...I recognized it instantly, and...I fell into the notes. It was as if they were not black print but, as is often the case in the Cabala of Judaism, that one falls into the Hebrew letters, I fell into the musical page.

At five years of age, he had memorized the complete first book of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier and began to play that in concert for school children and in the homes of other musicians. At seven years, he played his first professional concert, the program comprising works of Beethoven, Chopin, Mendelssohn, and Brahms.


每人都能数出苹果里的种籽,没人能够数出种籽里的苹果。 人生的最高境界是投资,而最有价值的投资是投资于人。
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其实我家五岁才开始 cuier   (89 bytes , 64reads )
好棒~弱问下学那三样 小馋牛   (18 bytes , 45reads )
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