Wufang Singapore
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2013-03-08 17:59

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L'enfant Fitness
Age Group (3 - 5 yrs old)

Created for children between 3 to 5 years old, L'enfant Fitness is a program that consists of games and activities adapted from ball sports, gymnastics and martial arts.

L'enfant Fitness programmes are fun and enables children to learn basic body control, awareness, coordination, agility and strength.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
求推荐一个靠谱的phonics class,最好家长可以跟去的那种。 fkcc   (47 bytes , 1006reads )
同求啊 笑了   (0 bytes , 115reads )
i can read我觉得挺好啊。。。。 skiifans   (0 bytes , 238reads )
三岁去i can read会不会太早啊? fkcc   (56 bytes , 179reads )
可以去growing up gifted flybeck   (446 bytes , 192reads )
自己看youtube? niumum   (124 bytes , 109reads )
那有没有时候三岁小男孩去上的课程? fkcc   (56 bytes , 95reads )
很久以前我的小侄子去上Apple Tree的周末phonics班,评价不错 niumum   (80 bytes , 164reads )
哎,适合男孩子的课程好少呀 fkcc   (32 bytes , 97reads )
这。。。男孩子也可以学画画啊。如果嫌太文静了,就去学攀岩 niumum   (44 bytes , 113reads )
有啥武术班推荐不? watercooler   (0 bytes , 116reads )
4岁能参加很多运动类的课程了吧?不一定要武术啊。 fkcc   (0 bytes , 92reads )
推荐Changi Boardwalk niumum   (47 bytes , 137reads )
建于2001-2006 niumum   (153 bytes , 93reads )
嗯?这是新建好的吗? fkcc   (30 bytes , 132reads )
Wufang Singapore niumum   (398 bytes , 145reads )
Google来的,貌似离shuqun小学很近,@tinayang可以考虑下 niumum   (46 bytes , 144reads )
这样你也知道,佩服啊! fkcc   (0 bytes , 106reads )
可以去学击剑 flybeck   (19 bytes , 178reads )
好贵族啊,还有高尔夫。 niumum   (0 bytes , 106reads )
跆拳道很多啊,除非你指定少林武当功。。。 niumum   (0 bytes , 105reads )
en 偶知道跆拳道很多。。。 watercooler   (40 bytes , 120reads )