所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2012-11-12 17:24

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Hospital lactation consultants
Ring any of these hospitals to arrange for an appointment. Different charges may apply for respective hospitals.

Gleneagles Hospital
6470 5852, www.parkwayhealth.com/hospitals/gleneagles_hospital

KK Women's & Children's Hospital
6293 4044, www.kkh.com.sg

National University Hospital
6772 5955, www.nuh.com.sg

Mt Alvernia Hospital
6347 6641, www.mtalvernia-hospital.org

Mt Elizabeth Hospital
6731 2180, www.parkwayhealth.com/hospitals/mount_elizabeth_hospital

Parkway East Hospital
6735 5000, www.parkwayhealth.com/hospitals/parkway_east_hospital

Raffles Hospital
6311 1516, www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com

Singapore General Hospital
6222 3322, www.sgh.com.sg

Thomson Medical Centre
6251 4090, www.thomsonmedical.com

Private lactation consultants
Private lactation consultants charge a nominal fee, and will come to your home for visits.

KW Chew
9815 8283

Doris Fok
9638 7660

Christina Kwek
9367 9293

Betty Lee
9833 0170


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