所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2012-06-11 10:47  更多评分:

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What is the amount of benefits a child will receive if he/she obtains Singapore Citizenship some time after birth?

If either you or your spouse is a citizen at the time of your child's birth, your child will be eligible for the full amount of Baby Bonus benefits. If you and your spouse are not citizens at the time of your child's birth, the benefits will be pro-rated according to the date of your child's citizenship. Please see Tables 2a to 2b for the amount of benefits.

Child born on or after 17 August 2008

Table 2a: Amount of Pro-rated Cash Gift for Child born on or after 17 August 2008

Age of child who becomes a Singapore Citizen
Amount of Cash Gift for 1st or 2nd Child
Amount of Cash Gift for 3rd or 4th Child

Before 6 months of age



6 or more months of age but before 12 months of age



12 or more months of age but
before 18 months of age



18 or more months of age but before 24 months of age



Beyond 24 months of age



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询问:有关宝宝申请公民 凡人   (184 bytes , 2128reads )
受凡人jj的感召,偶今天也正式加入申公民的队伍。 sunnylau2   (181 bytes , 143reads )
唉,早知道我就去ICA排队了。算了,已经网上交了申请,做了E-APPOINTMENT了 凡人   (0 bytes , 125reads )
其实网上预约也有好处,来了就直接交材料,不用等。 sunnylau2   (275 bytes , 114reads )
跟贴问一下,大家的男宝宝都如公民吗? 卡西法   (52 bytes , 148reads )
入了。我不排斥服兵役 四季豆   (54 bytes , 131reads )
应该是吧。。。 watercooler   (48 bytes , 105reads )
借贴问一问:大家给娃换国籍前在国内上户口了吗 总统   (64 bytes , 142reads )
我家娃至今没上户口,被程序给吓到了 凡人   (52 bytes , 129reads )
小孩子可以双国籍,不过如果妈妈也换成新籍的话。。。 曾经1984   (363 bytes , 245reads )
给小孩取护照时,需得签字声明未曾有其它国家的护照/国籍 niumum   (34 bytes , 116reads )
新加坡没问题。。。只要现有中国护照就可以。 watercooler   (146 bytes , 83reads )
但我前几天去拿护照,还让我签名来着,如果没眼花就是declare niumum   (95 bytes , 85reads )
我记得我取护照的时候写明了宝宝还有中国护照 曾经1984   (123 bytes , 121reads )
是啊。。。同意。 watercooler   (42 bytes , 77reads )
新加坡政策允许小孩子是可以拥有双国籍的,可以保留到21岁 iamamy   (0 bytes , 92reads )
这个信息很受用啊,公婆是计划给娃在上海买个屋,赶紧让家人去问落户的事情。 大女孩小女人   (0 bytes , 76reads )
貌似政策现在不能让小孩有产权。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 42reads )
小孩有没有户口到没什么 daodao   (100 bytes , 109reads )
我是带着孩子一起的。 watercooler   (241 bytes , 165reads )
听说宝宝满1岁以后申请的话 daodao   (151 bytes , 199reads )
房产这一部分也是很麻烦。。。 watercooler   (44 bytes , 135reads )
没有。。。 watercooler   (76 bytes , 99reads )
我家宝爸带宝宝申,不到3月就批了 FruitTree   (247 bytes , 147reads )
歪个楼问下mm的婴儿花红拿了多少? 曾经1984   (59 bytes , 135reads )
那这样看来我家的一分也没有啦。。。ANYWAY,都是浮云 凡人   (254 bytes , 115reads )
怎么查小学排名?是所有新加坡小学的排名吗? 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 221reads )
上网查有各种排列方法 凡人   (320 bytes , 77reads ) Pokka   (1049 bytes , 138reads )
谢谢啊! 凡人   (0 bytes , 80reads )
还有6000的政府CDA fund,可以用来以后上幼儿园,和Cash的部分加起来一共10000 iamamy   (0 bytes , 111reads )
婴儿花红一共4000块,分4次给,你的宝宝一岁和18个月的时候应该都可以拿1000块 happywish2011   (0 bytes , 171reads )
阿,这么少 daodao   (43 bytes , 81reads )
凡人姐姐都申请公民了嘛。。。打滚求抱大腿~嘻嘻^O^ rosevivi87   (0 bytes , 56reads )
有啥好抱的啊,我已经算很晚申请的了,NND被忽悠了 凡人   (904 bytes , 233reads )
嗯。。。应该可以。。。不用太担心。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 67reads )
长期在这里生活入公民比较好 曾经1984   (177 bytes , 139reads )
还有申请入公民不用一定e-appointment,直接填表去ICA 6楼的counter拿号码就行 曾经1984   (87 bytes , 154reads )
已经交了呀,所以就算了。。。 凡人   (75 bytes , 100reads )
小朋友的申请表格网上没有,需要去ica现场拿。可以跟父母一起申请 明日天使   (0 bytes , 66reads )
请无视我吧。。。 凡人   (66 bytes , 162reads )