haha i can give you some help~~
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2009-09-13 16:32  评分:

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To be honest, there are very few female doctors (i mean at least consultant level) in O&G department in NUH. Because you want to fix a doctor from the beginning which means you need to pay under "private" category, the doctor will be at least consultant.

Forget about male doctors and female non-Chinese doctors. There are two female Chinese consultants, Dr Su Lin Lin and Dr (Prof) Mary Raff. Personally I know Dr Su very well and I suggest you can go and see her. She speaks fluent Chinese and is a very easy-going person. I have two friends who approached Dr Su as their consultant as well. Prof Raff is more senior and experienced, but she does not speak Chinese at all. She is a very reputable doctor.

Hope you will find the info helpful.

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同当同当。:) 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 128reads )
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我看她是senior consultant,应该不错吧?第一个,有点穷紧张。:) 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 209reads )
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是的 ssummer   (50 bytes , 212reads )
说中文吗?我估计听不懂English专业词汇。=_= 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 168reads )
haha i can give you some help~~ 草莓果乐   (747 bytes , 685reads )
Thank you for the very helpful info! 妈妈宝宝   (80 bytes , 292reads )
还有一个Dr T.M. Chua, senior consultant =) lemon_t   (261 bytes , 475reads )
Actually most gynae doctor are male because they need to do operations and 草莓果乐   (183 bytes , 369reads )
Thank you for the very helpful info! 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 166reads )