看这个 一般被让的会闪两下尾灯表示谢意
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2021-10-29 10:31  更多评分:

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In the same vein, one very quick flash or two at another vehicle while approaching an intersection either during the day or night could mean “I am yielding to you.” This signal can be useful in a situation where the oncoming driver believes he should yield to you. By flashing your headlight in such a situation, you are giving the driver the approval to turn in front of you since you are sure that doing so won’t affect the cars behind you.

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换道时左边后车闪大灯 gcy   (111 bytes , 1074reads )
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不是不让你换,而是提醒你,他的车就在后面。 HideMyEmail   (16 bytes , 8reads )
一般闪灯是礼让的意思 dancingdoll   (30 bytes , 7reads )
提醒你不要换 cqb3172   (34 bytes , 6reads )
不过确实也有距离超级远后车也闪灯的情况 fqfp   (82 bytes , 8reads )
肯定是让你不要换呀,让你换需要给提示么 goldenstar   (0 bytes , 6reads )
既然觉得远 甘言悦人   (34 bytes , 7reads )
闪灯一般是是提示危险,不要换道 sonatam   (0 bytes , 7reads )
你要做的是加速换道(如何左边车道前面没车) zhou0152   (46 bytes , 9reads )
显然是后车表示不爽 niubee   (0 bytes , 9reads )
看这个 一般被让的会闪两下尾灯表示谢意 typhoonzj   (446 bytes , 10reads )
我觉得这是警告你不要换 fqfp   (131 bytes , 10reads )
同意这个。 大剑一筋   (45 bytes , 11reads )
他还有空闪灯,肯定是叫你利索点换道,至少我个人是这样的。 sakuragi   (133 bytes , 14reads )
应该是让你换 typhoonzj   (56 bytes , 7reads )