所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2020-10-11 12:34

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Although this may seem like a small figure, the actual realised and unrealised losses would be much higher. These losses exclude any additional stamp duties, legal fees and transaction fees that sellers have to incur.
Also, it is highly probable that an owner sitting on a property below their purchase price would rather hold on to it than to sell and realise their losses, hence underestimating the number of unprofitable transactions.

Entry price key to profitability
So, if brand name developers, celebrity architects, and prime locations are not guarantees of profitability, what are the factors that can help boost chances of a profitable resale?
From the data, they tend to occur in projects where the initial launch price or entry price is reasonable relative to the surrounding projects. For example, Botanique at Bartley, which recorded 65 profitable resale transactions, was launched with an average selling price of $1,280 psf back in April 2015

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哪句写了93%赚钱 本座先去小憩一会 功夫熊猫   (31 bytes , 13reads )
@留名 shaokunlun   (14 bytes , 18reads )
鄙视你 Sento   (21 bytes , 26reads )
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啥意思? Sento   (197 bytes , 18reads )
楼主是标题党 鉴定完毕 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 9reads )
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shaokunlun   (58 bytes , 28reads )