所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2019-07-29 21:41

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标题的这家银行给existing 和 new customer 大多给相同的利率差


把以下配套当一年fixed看就对了,如市场整体利率跌了 银行也得给具有吸引力的配套吸引顾客啊 第二年可换无锁利率配套啊 再换银行 最多银行只拿回了cash rebate 


如三年内敛卖家,无取消费用 只拿回cash rebate 


*National Day Promo*


First year: 1.89% fixed 

Second year: 2.18% fixed or change to prevailing interest rate then 

Year 3: 2.18% fixed or change to prevailing interest rate 

Thereafter: FHR8 + 1.23%

Fhr 8 refers to our 8 months fixed deposit rate for deposit less than $10k and is currently 0.95% 


3 years locked in 

One time free conversion during year 2 or year 3 

Waiver of cancellation fee due to sales


Wen Yen (标题银行)



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