所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2019-05-01 12:40  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
For all the work we have done and can justify, even 1k is pushing the acceptable limit.

1) Sofa has been UPGRADED from what was original, it is less than 4 months old and has already been cleaned. We are willing to consider a reasonable proposal to have it cleaned further.

2-4, 8, 11, 12) We accept the missing/damaged items
I’ve offered to replace the missing AC remote brand new. As for the key, you did mentioned might have extra back home.

5) The house has been cleaned by a contracted 3rd party and extensively cleaned by us. Touch up jobs has also been done. We might be willing to consider footing half of a quote by a contractor of your choice provided that it is competitive to pricing our professionals have offered to us.

6, 7, 9, 10) All these items are clearly FAIR WEAR and tear (besides the small stain in the living room) and even your description indicates so. The onus is on you to prove abuse should you intend to penalize us for such an unfair issue.

For the sake of fairness, we want to go back to the unit no later than by the afternoon today to take pictures and document these claims that you are making.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【吐槽八卦】出租房子一定一定一定远离新加坡人,求安慰! hansim   (1533 bytes , 12176reads )
如果是我,我会这么处理 spinach   (1071 bytes , 48reads )
新加坡人自己不是有组屋 jfsgp   (74 bytes , 94reads )
还不是100%“居者有其屋” spinach   (140 bytes , 34reads )
软肋不宜拿来说事 qqdriver   (168 bytes , 41reads )
抓软肋重点出击没问题,你层主把方式想歪了 spinach   (303 bytes , 44reads )
其实出租房子, 本来就要考虑折旧的, 房租里面就包含了折旧的费用。 beerguy   (34 bytes , 52reads )
买了房子投资就要准备和租户斗智斗勇,经常要去小额法庭打官司的,心累 metro   (0 bytes , 32reads )
押金根本不够,地板门这些都直接按换新的处理,不要姑息恶人。既然有之前的照[…] 冰是睡着的水   (46 bytes , 90reads )
房子维护的是不好 date123   (81 bytes , 31reads )
太夸张了 ellinlin   (6 bytes , 33reads )
rt Gadfly7788   (96 bytes , 40reads )
不向MOE和学校举报是在作恶 trim   (125 bytes , 45reads )
这个跟有没有善念没关系 love962397   (292 bytes , 45reads )
是,站在道德角度你说的没有错 Gadfly7788   (92 bytes , 34reads )
这就好像鼓励被害者不要去报案一样。 love962397   (10 bytes , 38reads )
很多真的是自然耗损,但租客有义务修复它 荡秋千86   (333 bytes , 36reads )
租不起! gxfc2019   (253 bytes , 30reads )
一共住了多久能祸害成这样 Calicocat   (0 bytes , 32reads )
一年半 hansim   (70 bytes , 38reads )
都这时候了就别包子了 我爱吃土豆   (136 bytes , 38reads )
进道南了,最后一个还是倒数第二个被抽上的 hansim   (60 bytes , 44reads )
这样的人这样的事不管是否搬到一公里内 flyjc   (114 bytes , 36reads )
报警警察应该不会管吧? hansim   (76 bytes , 40reads )
怕对小孩不好? flyjc   (58 bytes , 26reads )
真搞笑了 vitesse   (74 bytes , 37reads )
中介没把迟交房租可以赶人写在合约上 hansim   (68 bytes , 36reads )
你的中没有给你介绍租约的细节吗? 功夫熊猫   (210 bytes , 30reads )
在损坏家具修理上面 这里很热   (236 bytes , 48reads )
太氣人 boywinter   (109 bytes , 51reads )
没啥 qqdriver   (38 bytes , 26reads )
我也是闲的 yayayayayaya   (50 bytes , 30reads )
好的,那我就不多说了。 hansim   (24 bytes , 30reads )
一定要报告给学校 crazylion   (116 bytes , 44reads )
这件事情搞得我对道南的印象都变差了,觉得里面学生素质也不好 hansim   (48 bytes , 36reads )
不等熊猫说你 yayayayayaya   (142 bytes , 34reads )
谢谢,很多事情是我没解决好,多骂骂也能让我清醒点。 hansim   (242 bytes , 33reads )
太可怕了 dinolove11   (32 bytes , 42reads )
风险超级大啊! hansim   (22 bytes , 35reads )
不租的话空着也很浪费和亏损啊 kcowen   (0 bytes , 29reads )
我的意思是 dinolove11   (90 bytes , 32reads )
可以找个contractor做一下touch up啊 滚雪球   (422 bytes , 46reads )
求雪球兄的contractor联络方式 love962397   (4 bytes , 47reads )
不太好介绍 滚雪球   (106 bytes , 31reads )
也有同样的问题 山贝   (36 bytes , 31reads )
找handy man就可以 date123   (0 bytes , 31reads )
椅子是唯一一个还幸存的家具,能有照片 hansim   (186 bytes , 36reads )
我去的时候房子几乎是空的了?? 你的租房合约上不是有 inventory list 吗??? 功夫熊猫   (20 bytes , 32reads )
熊猫大大,我想请问一下 hansim   (98 bytes , 28reads )
租约结束了吗 功夫熊猫   (18 bytes , 24reads )
租约没结束,但是他们提前搬走了 hansim   (66 bytes , 32reads )
有的呀,可是他们从不履行租房合约上的条款啊 hansim   (378 bytes , 35reads )
这个看下来 yayayayayaya   (76 bytes , 33reads )
什么叫没有办法? 这里很热   (145 bytes , 33reads )
嗯嗯,我已经在找人清洁和修理了,索赔也在研究 hansim   (87 bytes , 36reads )
有办法执行的 这里很热   (449 bytes , 26reads )
他们的回复 hansim   (1137 bytes , 35reads )
他们6个月没有交的房租呢? 这里很热   (138 bytes , 35reads )
替楼主着急的 yayayayayaya   (162 bytes , 31reads )
没错 ellinlin   (169 bytes , 28reads )
难道房租不是最重要的吗? love962397   (232 bytes , 40reads )
房租迟过一个星期就可以赶人了 vitesse   (18 bytes , 35reads )
房租的事我都暂时还没提,想先解决修理的事情 hansim   (76 bytes , 31reads )
谢谢您,我今天把清单发给他们了,可是刚才他们的回复让我决定上法庭了 hansim   (503 bytes , 36reads )
事情还没开始 yayayayayaya   (36 bytes , 33reads )
+1 yayayayayaya   (25 bytes , 25reads )
他们连房租都从没按时交过 hansim   (68 bytes , 35reads )
如果有 list yayayayayaya   (98 bytes , 23reads )
list和收据我都有 hansim   (60 bytes , 27reads )
应该直接走小额法庭 国大大叔   (20 bytes , 23reads )
和是不是新加坡人无关吧 知道楼主正在气头上 但是地图炮是不好的 功夫熊猫   (72 bytes , 35reads )
还是有点关系的 qqdriver   (317 bytes , 29reads )
穷生奸计富长良心? 目测撕逼大战一触即发 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 26reads )
我来帮忙总结一下,租房的新加坡人=坏人 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 27reads )
你可以default这么认为 qqdriver   (194 bytes , 32reads )
也不一定, 一些本地小姑娘还不错 连长   (271 bytes , 32reads )
确实在气头上话说难听了点 hansim   (14 bytes , 33reads )
报告学校和教育部 vitesse   (58 bytes , 42reads )
他们没说搬去哪里了 hansim   (62 bytes , 45reads )
最后坐牢了 vitesse   (0 bytes , 35reads )
安慰lz一下 笑天   (120 bytes , 33reads )
没完成租约,不是要罚么 笑天   (12 bytes , 37reads )
谢谢安慰!!!!! hansim   (140 bytes , 33reads )
华人? 我爱读书   (0 bytes , 20reads )
女的是本地华人 hansim   (20 bytes , 36reads )
通知教育部和學校 boywinter   (66 bytes , 56reads )
上一次发帖子的时候就有劝我这么做的 hansim   (72 bytes , 46reads )
生活中你遇到的大多数是你队友这样善良的人, 一棵大树   (267 bytes , 44reads )
2500估计是不够了 狮子王   (30 bytes , 30reads )
昨晚刚发生的事情,后续我会慢慢更新 hansim   (22 bytes , 37reads )
弄坏这么多东西,像是故意弄坏的吧? kcowen   (0 bytes , 32reads )
不知道是不是故意的 hansim   (56 bytes , 38reads )
他们入住之前有照片么? 巴格达的星星   (16 bytes , 44reads )
照片都有的 hansim   (42 bytes , 35reads )