我回帖的时候也误看成T junction了,重新看了一遍,其实是cross junction
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2019-04-30 22:57

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如果按照T junction来说,左边右转车辆路权最低,这个没悬念,你可以让你家领导回去复习BTT give way rule at junctions
"at uncontrolled junction where there are no traffic lights, if you are turning right, you must give way to traffic going straight from all directions, as well as traffic turning right from the right and traffic turning left from the opposite direction" ,也就是说如果你右转,你必须让右手边的车辆。

如果按照cross junction来说,所有右转车辆一个比一个路权低,是个死循环。狭路相逢勇者胜

P.S. 正常人BTT和FTT都是满分,没啥可炫耀的

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