所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2018-05-21 16:31  更多评分:

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The resale of the Flat is independent of the Temporary Extension of Stay. The legal
completion of the resale of the Flat will still take place regardless of the status of the
Temporary Extension of Stay.

1)This request is subject to the Buyers agreeing to allow sellers to stay
temporarily in the Flat after the resale completion of the Flat and HDB granting approval to
this private arrangement.

2) either Sellers or the Buyers may cancel the private arrangement for the
Temporary Extension of Stay at any time before the resale completion date of the Flat,
notwithstanding that HDB’s approval to the same may already have been given.

3) In the event that the Sellers and/or the authorised occupiers do not vacate the Flat at
the end or upon the termination of the Temporary Extension of Stay, the Buyers shall
be required to initiate their own actions as the owners of the Flat and at their own
costs and expenses to evict the Sellers and/or the authorised occupiers from the Flat

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
过了completion date如果卖方不搬走怎么办? 霓虹的夜空   (273 bytes , 5517reads )
点赞 好样的! 小豆豆2016   (0 bytes , 50reads )
我觉得卖家如果能够给你全家出酒店费用,并按照市价给你租金,还是可以考虑的 vivi_不乖   (62 bytes , 80reads )
最后以一天150刀的赔偿金解决 霓虹的夜空   (610 bytes , 69reads )
楼主好样的! 淡淡风   (54 bytes , 48reads )
做得好! wangjileya   (43 bytes , 45reads )
下面这个链接就是Extension of stay 的官方文件 霓虹的夜空   (123 bytes , 68reads )
c盘的文件人家怎么读 笑天   (4 bytes , 40reads )
那就google一下吧~ 霓虹的夜空   (1016 bytes , 67reads )
这些说明是私人的安排 笑天   (122 bytes , 159reads )
既然完成了手续就是你的房子了, 格布   (105 bytes , 55reads )
我们家当时延期了4个月给钥匙 滚雪球   (31 bytes , 40reads )
不懂新加坡法律 maosheng   (101 bytes , 32reads )
楼主我也遇到了同样的情况 现在owner想要推迟completion d[…] Aria木哈哈   (15 bytes , 34reads )
OTP时候说的还是后面? 熊维妮   (86 bytes , 40reads )
已经出了estimated completion date 之后才突然要[…] Aria木哈哈   (2 bytes , 46reads )
rt bluetearww   (41 bytes , 39reads )
顶熊猫 wangjimingzi   (46 bytes , 38reads )
如果可以接受,不着急搬进去, DengWei   (57 bytes , 47reads )
但是我急着搬呐~ 霓虹的夜空   (96 bytes , 72reads )
你直接回复卖家,告诉他们 DengWei   (119 bytes , 47reads )
我已经很坚决的拒绝了他们 霓虹的夜空   (124 bytes , 43reads )
要不double 市场价租金 可以接受吗? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 65reads )
我给你讲个笑话 Boonlay_zufang   (131 bytes , 67reads )
这么坑~ 霓虹的夜空   (96 bytes , 56reads )
他们说水电费他们出 Boonlay_zufang   (63 bytes , 39reads )
水电可以等入住的时候才换到自己名下 nianyu   (122 bytes , 53reads )
他们是新加坡本地人 又卖了二手组屋 买了新的bto Boonlay_zufang   (49 bytes , 57reads )
卖方中介说短租一个月不合法,很难找到整套房子 霓虹的夜空   (64 bytes , 48reads )
你都说了懒得理就不用理了 MichelleYS   (28 bytes , 41reads )
楼主你们还是写email给HDB(谁是SC,谁来发信)。。。 信中提供你的IC和BLK /UNIT NO 功夫熊猫   (1486 bytes , 100reads )
就服你 dragon7896   (4 bytes , 31reads )
如果是我,直接换锁住进去 Serenityblue   (136 bytes , 59reads )
中介告诉我他们现在还没搬走 霓虹的夜空   (38 bytes , 59reads )
留神社会影响 Serenityblue   (48 bytes , 40reads )
呵呵呵 键盘侠 .. 实际你是做不到的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 34reads )
问过律师了 霓虹的夜空   (526 bytes , 72reads )
难得熊猫这么正儿八经的回答 绿豆芽   (16 bytes , 40reads )
专门登录顶熊猫 Imycatcat   (24 bytes , 40reads )
如果不给钥匙,造成延误, DengWei   (87 bytes , 35reads )
跟帖求助 如何拒绝owner想要推迟completion date的re[…] Aria木哈哈   (7 bytes , 43reads )
看样子你们不能接受stay extension, DengWei   (174 bytes , 69reads )
今晚中介跟我讲,他们还没搬走 霓虹的夜空   (88 bytes , 59reads )
没有搬走Final inspection就没过 Ulysses   (52 bytes , 150reads )
Really? Serenityblue   (47 bytes , 46reads )
一手交钱一手交货 Ulysses   (6 bytes , 67reads )
损招 surewinwin1111   (101 bytes , 49reads )
但是如果原屋主不搬咋办 Serenityblue   (4 bytes , 51reads )
所以楼主你发信了吗 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 28reads )
请律师介入了~ 霓虹的夜空   (131 bytes , 81reads )
如果照HDB条例 王者农药   (104 bytes , 44reads )
哪里会没有合适的地方住 只是为了等bto吧 loveking   (60 bytes , 37reads )
报告hdb 你懂的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 40reads )