小心触到False Imprisonment的霉头
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2018-03-17 07:23

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Wrongful confinement
340. Whoever wrongfully restrains any person in such a manner as to prevent that person from proceeding beyond certain circumscribing limits, is said “wrongfully to confine” that person.
342. Whoever wrongfully confines any person shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to $3,000, or with both.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
奇葩租客未经房东同意出租HDB其他房间给他人 会笑的鱼   (935 bytes , 4032reads )
办法有2个 ahha   (112 bytes , 21reads )
直接报移民局 yunxuan   (14 bytes , 18reads )
可以报警 Freki   (105 bytes , 23reads )
现在是不知道如何可以确认租客已经让她的三个叔叔住进来 会笑的鱼   (90 bytes , 27reads )
这个办法好 loisfun   (26 bytes , 16reads )
楼主在国外没什么好办法 滚雪球   (107 bytes , 47reads )
这个没有事实依据 不好随便这样报警吧 会笑的鱼   (45 bytes , 23reads )
是啊 滚雪球   (157 bytes , 28reads )
很好办啊 你本来就是五房啊 多几个人不会超员 功夫熊猫   (66 bytes , 19reads )
楼主不想把房子租给那三个所谓的“叔叔”吧 loisfun   (106 bytes , 19reads )
理解万岁 会笑的鱼   (93 bytes , 22reads )
看不懂我意思吗? 多加钱把球踢会去 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 22reads )
万一人家同意加钱了呢 loisfun   (16 bytes , 15reads )
重新签约,租金x2x3x4 笑天   (31 bytes , 14reads )
我倒没想加房租 纯粹不想他们随便乱出租 会笑的鱼   (106 bytes , 34reads )
理解 笑天   (72 bytes , 44reads )
不会乘以4吗 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 17reads )
为啥要乘以4? loisfun   (231 bytes , 17reads )
不是你的错 cqb3172   (84 bytes , 15reads )
未经屋主同意 (w/o HDB register) ce3873   (24 bytes , 21reads )
硬硬住进来 ce3873   (60 bytes , 63reads )
估计大门锁匙已换 会笑的鱼   (49 bytes , 31reads )
任何事情都有可能会发生啊 ! ce3873   (136 bytes , 19reads )
小心触到False Imprisonment的霉头 南洋暴雪   (397 bytes , 23reads )
Roger that, thx. ce3873   (102 bytes , 18reads )
直接报警 南洋暴雪   (0 bytes , 30reads )
咱们做法不同 ce3873   (27 bytes , 24reads )
风险自负就好 南洋暴雪   (22 bytes , 31reads )
是不是可以报警了 猫山王   (66 bytes , 22reads )
想过报警和report给HDB 会笑的鱼   (34 bytes , 21reads )
楼主各种手续都办了的话 呼呼怪   (87 bytes , 21reads )
跟你有啥关系,又不是你的错 Lvcaoyuan   (40 bytes , 15reads )
报警有用吗? Lvcaoyuan   (14 bytes , 15reads )
我也想知道报警有用吗? 会笑的鱼   (32 bytes , 20reads )
spep女生长得好看吗? 我想睡觉   (0 bytes , 18reads )
跑题了吧 会笑的鱼   (10 bytes , 24reads )
感觉楼主被套路了 跳跳豆   (24 bytes , 23reads )
不会吧 会笑的鱼   (61 bytes , 45reads )
先让中介去屋里确认下到底住了哪些人 跳跳豆   (58 bytes , 22reads )
你是房主中介? 天朝2016坡县   (0 bytes , 22reads )
我是房东.. 会笑的鱼   (18 bytes , 17reads )