所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2016-08-22 22:08  更多评分:

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Family wins case to install grille in condo balcony for child's safety

Board has ruled in favour of a family who were twice refused permission to install a grille in the balcony of their 13th-level condominium unit after seeing their four-year-old daughter try to climb over it.

It held that the management corporation of 7 One North Residences (ONR) in Buona Vista was wrong in refusing permission to a family to install grilles above the glass wall of their 13th-level balcony.

In judgment grounds of the test case, released this week, it said: "The children's safety must be paramount, even if the grilles may affect the appearance of the building or if they constitute an alteration on common property and therefore are prohibited under ONR's by-laws."

Dr Sujit Singh Gill's application was turned down twice by the ONR's management corporation (MC), which claimed it would affect the building's unique and uniform appearance.

The MC suggested instead that grilles be placed at the edge of the living room to prevent child access to the balcony. Dr Singh applied to the board last July to overrule the MC.

At issue was the rationality of the MC's decision and whether it could bar the installation based on the relevant building regulations. The MC's lawyers, Mr Subramaniam Pillai and Ms Venetia Tan, argued that the grilles did not keep up the building's appearance as provided under ONR's by-laws and would obstruct maintenance of the glass wall, among other things.

Lawyers Toh Kok Seng and Daniel Chen for Dr Singh countered that the relevant ONR by-laws took effect only last July and Dr Singh could not have been aware of them as he had bought the unit in 2010. They argued that the ONR by-laws had to be consistent with the prescribed 2005 Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations, which allow owners to install safety structures or devices to prevent harm to children - even if they affect the building's appearance under certain circumstances.

The board comprising Mr Alfonso Ang, Mr Chua Koon Hoe and Mr Lim Gnee Kiang found that the MC had been "unreasonably difficult" with Dr Singh's request and had ignored the concerns for children's safety, as provided for under the 2005 regulations. It added that the grilles would have minimal impact on the building's appearance.

The board made clear that children's safety must be the overriding concern and the MC should support other such applications.

It called for the MC to provide guidelines for the installation of such safety devices to ensure they keep to the rest of the appearances of the building.

"Having grilles is not an attempt to abdicate parental responsibility. Instead, it serves as a safety precaution from leaning or climbing over the balcony glass wall. After all, it only takes a split second for the child to climb and fall over the glass, especially since it is only waist-high and easy to climb over," said the board.

Law firm Lee & Lee said on its case update website that "this is the first case in which the prescribed by-law of the Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations 2005 has been considered in depth and will undoubtedly be of consequence to most, if not all, management corporations in Singapore".

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看到联合早报的一篇读者来信 DengWei   (160 bytes , 10264reads )
支持楼主。。。 灵随心动   (188 bytes , 72reads )
呵呵。不如搬来做邻居 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 67reads )
实在不行的话 Lilusin   (48 bytes , 60reads )
你这个做法就是典型的怕事 lun_tan   (150 bytes , 38reads )
你去装呗,带上工具和工人 Lilusin   (215 bytes , 47reads )
正确的态度不是谁牛不牛的问题 lun_tan   (221 bytes , 53reads )
嚷啥 Lilusin   (175 bytes , 38reads )
你也就是网上横吧 lun_tan   (97 bytes , 41reads )
这都行.... Calicocat   (79 bytes , 51reads )
突然发现,这个condo好便宜? 西东南北风   (42 bytes , 57reads )
可能很多是室外面积。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 46reads )
嗯,尺价1200上下,在这个行情下,是很有吸引力的。 DengWei   (0 bytes , 52reads )
是的 滚雪球   (120 bytes , 55reads )
其实是发文的住户自己搞出来的 西东南北风   (68 bytes , 52reads )
低调装好?不用申请reno permit? jjoan1   (77 bytes , 77reads )
不改变结构的reno,不需要批准,备案而已 西东南北风   (32 bytes , 49reads )
MCST很明确的说了,他们管定了,就是不准, jjoan1   (144 bytes , 134reads )
一楼的都是小户 lun_tan   (332 bytes , 68reads )
share不是这么算的 菠罗包   (97 bytes , 50reads )
具体的我不知道,但是觉得en bloc难道不是应该按面积来算? 菠罗包   (218 bytes , 50reads )
歪个楼 lun_tan   (309 bytes , 52reads )
share就是这么算的,但是en bloc不是按share来算的 菠罗包   (199 bytes , 52reads )
这么算的吗 lun_tan   (143 bytes , 52reads )
英文报道给力啊 lun_tan   (130 bytes , 46reads )
今天早上看到最新进展, DengWei   (46 bytes , 57reads )
最后结果是什么?在英文报刊的舆论压力下。 love962397   (14 bytes , 54reads )
想想觉得这事情和国大orientation欺负新生还有点相似 明年今日   (716 bytes , 52reads )
谢谢,看完了。公寓方就是脑残,以为人人好欺。 love962397   (263 bytes , 52reads )
面子大过天,你懂的。最后结果必然是坚决起诉MC,以及在GM上否决MC用公费应诉。 明年今日   (95 bytes , 64reads )
本来不是个大事,一开始就搞僵了 西东南北风   (73 bytes , 59reads )
顺便解释一下 滚雪球   (145 bytes , 75reads )
如果和triling比.赐福当然更合算 西东南北风   (10 bytes , 52reads )
可以问一下 deborahcai   (45 bytes , 52reads )
MCST不批准,URA没问题的。 DengWei   (34 bytes , 63reads )
这算不算是民主的暴政 jasonkang   (60 bytes , 45reads )
今天下午去management office,那个manager 告知我, jjoan1   (1227 bytes , 106reads )
就这样做 结衣酱   (116 bytes , 60reads )
他们还能采取什么激烈的手段啊! love962397   (70 bytes , 56reads )
我现在就是想这么做,但问题没装完啊,才装一半。得要工具,还得继续钻墙。 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 76reads )
强烈支持楼主!可以去和contrator学怎么装自己动手吗?同时问清楚钻[…] 明年今日   (279 bytes , 53reads )
走后门进 dayhappysl   (44 bytes , 49reads )
后门在哪里 lun_tan   (18 bytes , 52reads )
就是侧门 dayhappysl   (0 bytes , 53reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. 轩陵   (0 bytes , 11reads )
这广告,这宣传 西东南北风   (22 bytes , 42reads )
借贴问这个隐形窗花是不是大部分公寓都允许装 滚雪球   (204 bytes , 85reads )
太奇怪了,很多公寓都可以装窗花阳台安全护栏的,只不过要由MCST统一规格样式 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 67reads )
看来我们MSCT 很讲道理呢 vitesse   (83 bytes , 54reads )
mcst的member不是也是投票选的吗?我觉得可以找议员帮忙 新手上路   (317 bytes , 57reads )
支持美妈,太不人道了,我装自己家还不可以啊,孩子安全最重要 五月天   (176 bytes , 66reads )
自己家里装东西还要别人同意 trycatch   (26 bytes , 50reads )
为了追求最肤浅的外观统一 sglittlelion   (66 bytes , 58reads )
本来对这套公寓有兴趣,看来要绕道了 tragicfish   (0 bytes , 52reads )
你过来买,我们组队把他们给推翻啦 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 71reads )
其实就是无解 Freki   (251 bytes , 58reads )
自从收到警告信 jjoan1   (1240 bytes , 103reads )
帮楼主搜了一下之前的case 菠罗包   (3511 bytes , 131reads )
万不得已,无处寻求解决方法,只得投诉媒体,也不知如何解决问题 jjoan1   (48 bytes , 75reads )
http://business.asiaone.com/news/grille-expectations-condos Copy猫   (18 bytes , 59reads )
不要怕,律师信不用理他,没有什么比孩子的安全更重要 五月天   (86 bytes , 53reads )
公寓也可以找议员的吧 凡人   (24 bytes , 60reads )
找过议员了,议员说这件事她无法干涉,因为是私人产业。 jjoan1   (56 bytes , 74reads )
小沈这么跟你说的吗 lun_tan   (778 bytes , 59reads )
委员会的成员总共有7位, jjoan1   (199 bytes , 84reads )
管理层好变态 滚雪球   (130 bytes , 57reads )
其实你应该求着公寓管理方去告到法庭。 love962397   (135 bytes , 70reads )
楼主应该用法律手段解决问题 KKBB   (337 bytes , 59reads )
关于律师信 KKBB   (168 bytes , 59reads )
我看代楼主买的中介也没料到MCST这么难搞吧 DengWei   (0 bytes , 51reads )
感觉MC就是想把楼主赶走 KKBB   (27 bytes , 69reads )
希望美妈的问题最后能得到妥善的解决 武汉伢   (52 bytes , 58reads )
还真是你啊 DengWei   (0 bytes , 57reads )
呵呵。没想到你会贴出来。早报完全没告知我。朋友看到你的贴子才知道的 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 49reads )
没问题的,我也没料到是你, DengWei   (228 bytes , 59reads )
谢谢各位的支持。过程很虐心,但看到很多在言论上支持, jjoan1   (318 bytes , 102reads )
为什么当时保安等等可以进屋呢 lun_tan   (185 bytes , 79reads )
这对啊!为什么让他们进来屋子?他们没这权利 政治反动色彩   (62 bytes , 50reads )
同情 haidaoyu   (587 bytes , 66reads )
你写信给bca吧 Joycewenn   (125 bytes , 62reads )
这种情况只能找专业律师处理,不然就只能在客厅拉门到阳台的地方先装栅栏,保证安全 DengWei   (0 bytes , 49reads )
别装窗外嘛 南洋暴雪   (92 bytes , 62reads )
这是阳台上的。不是窗子上的 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 53reads )
支持支持 王小蒙真萌啊   (96 bytes , 48reads )
这个妈妈应该去联络其他的业主 一米阳光   (38 bytes , 54reads )
刚搬进来不过2个月而已。见到邻居也只是点头招呼而已 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 58reads )
可以先找找以前同样被拒绝的家庭吗 gltdaisy   (62 bytes , 54reads )
这个奇怪了。256个unit的condo,居然大部分人不装窗花。 明年今日   (17 bytes , 82reads )
还确实没有人装。但不是每户都有阳台的。一楼都不用装的嘛 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 53reads )
MCST不是大部分由居民组成的吗? 菠罗包   (697 bytes , 93reads )
好奇,打官司的20几万谁出? gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 50reads )
如果是MCST打赢官司 菠罗包   (73 bytes , 51reads )
羊毛出在羊身上。 DengWei   (28 bytes , 51reads )
所以我说MCST成员权力大呀 菠罗包   (84 bytes , 72reads )
然后有的亲戚或朋友,刚好是律师 西东南北风   (13 bytes , 56reads )
这官司得打多久啊? gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 52reads )
一年多了还没完 菠罗包   (76 bytes , 54reads )
违章的那位也够淡定的 gltdaisy   (26 bytes , 46reads )
这…MCST的人能同时加入NC吗 武汉伢   (50 bytes , 51reads )
可以的,我们NC有一个member就是MCST的成员 菠罗包   (112 bytes , 53reads )
我们nc的头把所有mc的人都得罪光了 Joycewenn   (99 bytes , 57reads )
呃我不是说美女已经加入了哈 武汉伢   (22 bytes , 48reads )
20万算多么? 南洋暴雪   (60 bytes , 46reads )
主席应该引咎辞职了 喜欢吃火锅   (40 bytes , 60reads )
呵呵,主席是个律师 菠罗包   (13 bytes , 44reads )
不会20万其实是他家律师事务所赚走了吧 Calicocat   (16 bytes , 52reads )
相信他会避嫌的吧 菠罗包   (19 bytes , 47reads )
现在公寓很多都有自己的whatsapps group DengWei   (51 bytes , 61reads )
五年前刚TOP我就加入那个whatsapp group了 菠罗包   (175 bytes , 54reads )
是不是就是前段时间为了这个问题发帖两次的华新网友啊! love962397   (10 bytes , 64reads )
你太厉害了。这都还有印象。呵呵 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 51reads )
好像是很像 DengWei   (0 bytes , 53reads )
如果真的是装上了, love962397   (276 bytes , 63reads )
公寓户主可以拒绝别人进他家 一米阳光   (59 bytes , 62reads )
之前还是寄希望能和平解决的。 jjoan1   (0 bytes , 53reads )
这个就是,悄悄先装上,后面才和物业公司扯皮, DengWei   (90 bytes , 78reads )
我的意思就是自己动手自己装啊! love962397   (72 bytes , 60reads )
不过就怕MCST较真,真的找律师官司, DengWei   (8 bytes , 73reads )
应该,可能,大概是天朝移民 西东南北风   (8 bytes , 47reads )
除了诉诸法律好像也没有什么更好的方法了吧。 love962397   (64 bytes , 66reads )
可以尝试一下,最起码孩子安全有保障 DengWei   (0 bytes , 66reads )
打官司是不一定会输 菠罗包   (40 bytes , 56reads )
做社区义工,加入NC @走走 喜欢吃火锅   (50 bytes , 48reads )
NC没有权利向MSCT提出动议 菠罗包   (196 bytes , 57reads )
没错 Joycewenn   (112 bytes , 47reads )
哦,原来如此 喜欢吃火锅   (12 bytes , 48reads )
不清楚呢 走走   (8 bytes , 48reads )
走走知道这个? DengWei   (0 bytes , 55reads )
这是什么意思?隐形窗花也不让装吗? myohmy   (5 bytes , 97reads )
是啊,隐形窗花也不让, DengWei   (34 bytes , 67reads )
隐形的可以装吗 也要问过他们吗? baby_donuts   (88 bytes , 69reads )
不近人情 DengWei   (0 bytes , 58reads )