关于ABSD - 收到IRAS的回信。-_-||是对的
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2015-11-23 15:59

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


1.       The married couple, who are SC and Foreigner, may apply for the remission of ABSD on the joint-purchase of their first residential property. ABSD will not be payable if the application for remission is approved.

2.       In the event that a partial share of the property is transferred to the spouse, who is a Foreigner, ABSD at the rate of 15% will be payable. BSD and ABSD will be calculated on the value of the partial share that is transferred.

We wish to highlight that SSD will also be payable if the transfer is made within the holding period of 4 years.

3.       ABSD is applicable based on the profile (e.g. residency status /count of residential property) of the Buyer at the point of the purchase of the residential property. A Singapore Citizen is not liable for ABSD on the purchase of his first residential property, notwithstanding that the SC is married to someone who owns property.

注意下红色部分的seller's stamp duty。


该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2015-11-23 22:00:04。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
关于ABSD - 收到IRAS的回信。-_-||是对的 南洋暴雪   (1294 bytes , 4619reads )
几个问题... IPMan   (686 bytes , 68reads )
这两个问题我都不知道答案 南洋暴雪   (93 bytes , 72reads )
1. remission 就是不用给ABSD -_-||   (347 bytes , 119reads )
偶像- - IPMan   (21 bytes , 58reads )
银行的 vanessa_sg   (0 bytes , 55reads )
如果HDB还有贷款 vanessa_sg   (78 bytes , 69reads )
银行贷款不行。政府贷款可以。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 64reads )
还可以转成政府贷款吗? vanessa_sg   (36 bytes , 52reads )
不可以了。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 44reads )
好像是hdb贷款可以转,银行贷款必须还清才能转 走走   (0 bytes , 99reads )
你的贷款是HDB的,还是银行的 房产博士   (0 bytes , 57reads )
银行的贷款 vanessa_sg   (0 bytes , 56reads )
做decoupling, 房产博士   (18 bytes , 85reads )
decoupling必须MOP之后? sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 113reads )
可以随时decoupling, 房产博士   (39 bytes , 57reads )
请问做decoupling如果是HDB贷款,需要多少费用 redspider2   (77 bytes , 95reads )
费用是一样的, 房产博士   (65 bytes , 65reads )
所以关于两口子转来转去省absd的关键是接受share的那一方能不能扛下所有贷款 走走   (63 bytes , 98reads )
这个议题有个隐藏的前提条件, flying2010   (253 bytes , 46reads )
房子不需要大涨,只需要每年提供高过银行存款很多倍的收益,且不大跌就好 走走   (106 bytes , 55reads )
每年提供高过银行存款很多倍的收益,且不大跌就好。。。这可不容易办到啊 flying2010   (157 bytes , 38reads )
北冥神功之终极稀释奥义大法.... 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 55reads )
百花齐放,百家争鸣, 房产博士   (12 bytes , 61reads )
版主的求知精神很值得学习 vickychen   (30 bytes , 55reads )
实践出真知 x4   (36 bytes , 54reads )
糟糕英文 (notwithstanding用错) 这里很热   (230 bytes , 69reads )
我承认我又手贱了 南洋暴雪   (55 bytes , 123reads )
Oops, 我错了 这里很热   (922 bytes , 56reads )
沙发... 目测围观人士才是赢家, 华新论坛果然是真实可靠百花齐放的好论坛啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 96reads )
@-_-|| 再次道歉~ 南洋暴雪   (0 bytes , 63reads )
道歉不必 搞清楚了就好。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 79reads )
请教达人,sc+pr,有一套hdb的情况,有什么办法省absd gltdaisy   (36 bytes , 124reads )
没有了。沾上HDB -_-||   (60 bytes , 89reads )
pr household不是不能同时拥有hdb和condo? daodao   (12 bytes , 76reads )
这个政策有人给我引用过,说pr household,sc就算作为hdb的occupier 走走   (145 bytes , 64reads )
我刚办过呀,问了branch officer,人家说不可以呢 daodao   (28 bytes , 59reads )
住祖屋,出租公寓。怎么讲?住哪里也会影响absd吗 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 68reads )
SC+PR的组合拥有组屋, 房产博士   (264 bytes , 81reads )
祖屋换去pr名下不是还需要补交印花税么? 哇离伤   (5 bytes , 108reads )
要看房子是何时买的 房产博士   (0 bytes , 57reads )
谢科普 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 70reads )
住祖屋出租公寓,你就可以把祖屋转到pr名下 走走   (24 bytes , 139reads )
原来这个意思,mm厉害 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 75reads )
如果生了个孩子 Freki   (100 bytes , 54reads )
同问这一点,sc老公pr老婆sc小孩,拿出SC老公做occupier的话 @房产博士 woshiyizhiyang   (22 bytes , 106reads )
房子是PR的, 房产博士   (16 bytes , 88reads )
只有sc是hdb owner才可以出租整套 走走   (192 bytes , 79reads )
哦,懂了,SC小孩自动做occupier,不能做owner.谢谢! woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 95reads )