弱弱问下resale hdb5年mop内可以申请EC么?
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2015-10-22 23:00

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之前在网上以及中介曾经说过买二手HDB如果不拿政府补助的话,在5年MOP内是可以申请买新的EC的,只要EC建好的时候已经过了5年MOP就行.前两天打电话去HDB hotline问也是这样的.结果后来发邮件去问却回复说申请EC也得等到5年MOP之后.现在已经晕了


...... Therefore, you and your essential ocuppiers, if any, have not met the 5-year MOP of your flat to buy a private property and also not eligible to apply for an EC unit at this juncture.

For application to buy EC unit from developer, the applicant must have met the MOP of his current flat. Please note that this is one of the eligibility criteria for EC application.
该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2015-10-23 22:00:04。

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弱弱问下resale hdb5年mop内可以申请EC么? foreverblue   (613 bytes , 2170reads )
如果没拿补助之前的,是可以申请的。 小艾喜欢草莓   (18 bytes , 47reads )
我拿了grant,在第四年的申请的EC Siriusz   (88 bytes , 89reads )
好聪明! vickychen   (29 bytes , 56reads )
也不是了,我家人口的确有点多。 Siriusz   (0 bytes , 56reads )
可以申请 没拿补助就可以 Hannahzgg   (37 bytes , 66reads )
其实我们中介不鼓励买家问hdb这个问题, DengWei   (345 bytes , 99reads )
拿Proximity Housing Grant (PHG) 津贴算不算呢? 火猴   (5 bytes , 115reads )
我印象中只要拿housing loan都要等5年 DengWei   (77 bytes , 62reads )
请问买BTO不满5年也是同理吗? solo_estoy   (39 bytes , 78reads )
时间稍微长了,但是按照现在的行情, DengWei   (61 bytes , 194reads )
請問 crazylion   (129 bytes , 91reads )
买ec,因为一定要卖组屋, DengWei   (156 bytes , 140reads )
Correct me if I were wrong crazylion   (547 bytes , 101reads )
如下: DengWei   (248 bytes , 114reads )
DBSS也是可以拿grant的。 蒲公英   (0 bytes , 74reads )
多謝回复 crazylion   (10 bytes , 88reads )
不客气 DengWei   (0 bytes , 53reads )
ec top时候hdb满五年mop目测是无害的 南瓜同学   (26 bytes , 121reads )