所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2015-04-23 13:01

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 “Letter from HDB after my GF wrote in to inquire. She is holding on to a HDB under her own name now with 5 yrs MOP fulfilled. We are contemplating Condo or HDB as my own ppty and I am over 35. Thank you for your email of 25 June 2014. 1) If he is to purchase a HDB flat under single scheme now, and subsequently when we get married in the near future, can we still hold to 2 HDB flats? Husband and wife are considered one family unit. After your marriage, you and your husband's name cannot be listed in two separate flats. You would have to inform the HDB Branch Office managing the estate either your name to be included in your husband's flat or the vice versa. If you include your name in your husband's flat, then you will need to dispose off your existing flat. This applies to your husband. He needs to dispose his existing flat, if his name is included in your flat. 2) Same goes to purchasing a condominium. If he is to purchase a condo now, and subsequently when we get married in the near future, will my current HDB flat be affected? After your marriage, you will have to include your spouse in your HDB flat as owner or occupier, he would generally have to dispose his private residential property. Notwithstanding the above, the HDB could consider allowing flat owner who subsequently marries a private property owner, to include their spouse as occupier or owner of the flat, while their spouse retains the ownership of the private residential property. The flat owner and spouse must continue to reside in the HDB flat and the private residential property is only meant for investment purpose. If your spouse wish to retain the private property after the marriage, you may submit an appeal to the HDB Branch then. As lease and tenancy matters, including eligibility for inclusion of ownership are administered by the HDB Branch Office, you may wish to contact your town Branch managing your flat for specific advice.”


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房产达人们来给个建议 名匠   (380 bytes , 1710reads )
建议一步到位,不要hdb那点实惠 轩陵   (84 bytes , 89reads )
当然可以考虑男方和父母一起购买二手组屋 DengWei   (328 bytes , 178reads )
只是不加名字就可以?难道不会逼迫你卖掉其中一个吗? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 80reads )
之前问过hdb, DengWei   (216 bytes , 82reads )
男主携亲爹买 HDB, 女主买康逗~ 然后去天朝民政局登记 功夫熊猫   (64 bytes , 59reads )
haha,不错的建议,只是回国登记,那是一个外国人和一个中国公民结婚,没问题么 名匠   (106 bytes , 61reads )
之前一个都没有,现在一下要两个。收入也不是那么多,这是个自寻烦恼的节奏啊[…] 大叔一名   (6 bytes , 59reads )
哈哈好像是有点那个意思。。 名匠   (52 bytes , 66reads )
先搞定一个合适 大叔一名   (0 bytes , 48reads )
还有一个情况,男的29,女的25.所以到35还有点距离 名匠   (0 bytes , 59reads )
还有一个情况就是男的收入比较高点,女的收入比较低点,刚开始工作 名匠   (28 bytes , 62reads )
前提是两个人有足够的财力能自己供房子或者全款买。 zmwang   (2124 bytes , 91reads )
两个人供房估计没问题,全款拿不出来,能拿出全款的估计也不会想这么多。。 名匠   (72 bytes , 53reads )
男的加老爸买二手HDB。 zmwang   (30 bytes , 113reads )
这样结婚的时候需要卖掉HDB么,不懂这个情况政策是怎样的啊 名匠   (26 bytes , 62reads )