所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2014-07-30 09:49

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
To further encourage financial prudence, HDB will reduce the quantum of the second concessionary loan by the full CPF proceeds and part of the cash proceeds from the disposal of the existing or immediate past HDB flats. HDB reserves the right to determine the amount of proceeds to be deducted, depending on the existing / immediate past flat's manner of holding or the provisions of any court order relating to the disposal of the flat (where applicable). HDB will determine the proceeds to be deducted, taking into account the provisions of the court order, without reference to the manner of holding of the existing / immediate past flats. Flat buyers can keep the greater of $25,000 or half of the cash proceeds (including the cash deposit received), HDB will take into account the remaining part of cash proceeds when determining the quantum of the second loan to be granted.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
1w家庭收入,HLE才给59W,是不是有点少? sherryS   (131 bytes , 6378reads )
根据银行的公式计算确实是59W 狮城房贷顾问   (118 bytes , 146reads )
银行贷款会比较多。您可以尝试银行贷款。 materialist   (50 bytes , 127reads )
先买车再买房的楼主 国大大叔   (12 bytes , 144reads )
我们现在有房,这次是换房。。。 sherryS   (0 bytes , 205reads )
二度膜拜 国大大叔   (14 bytes , 167reads )
如果买房时超了家庭收入上限 喜欢吃火锅   (52 bytes , 209reads )
好少。我知道为什么房子涨不上去了。 hula   (107 bytes , 166reads )
政策变脸太快 信长   (194 bytes , 122reads )
一万应该不是固定的吧。 -_-||   (148 bytes , 166reads )
是固定的…1w差了几百 sherryS   (197 bytes , 173reads )
如果只是拿HDB Loan,不拿Housing Grant 喜欢吃火锅   (151 bytes , 264reads )
真是这样吗?我们不会拿HDB grand,这样我们就不会有问题了 sherryS   (29 bytes , 278reads )
话说现在HDB Loan的利息比Bank Loan高不少啊! 喜欢吃火锅   (52 bytes , 249reads )
其实也是,我们也是想看看HDB最多可以贷多少。 sherryS   (0 bytes , 173reads )
没有问题 喜欢吃火锅   (59 bytes , 205reads )
完全可能,我前不久就是Appeal成功了。 喜欢吃火锅   (202 bytes , 225reads )
可以尝试appeal -_-||   (187 bytes , 319reads )
可能找到原因了,或许是因为 sherryS   (170 bytes , 273reads )
details sherryS   (994 bytes , 223reads )
"所有信用卡的最低还款额"?这个怎么算? sherryS   (383 bytes , 376reads )