所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-05-24 22:46

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

1. SC(30+)/PR(20+)组合
2. 现有2手租屋一套(购于2012年初,未拿CPF Housing Grant)
3. HDB loan

1. 根据HDB的规定,我们应该属于First-timer Applicants?
2. Loan Ceiling:如果我们可以在拿到新房钥匙的规定时间里卖出租屋(多久时间?),我们的情况是不是可以拿80%贷款?
(From HDB:You will not be subjected to the lower loan ceiling when you obtain another housing loan for the purchase of an HDB flat if you are able to provide the financial institution granting the loan a copy of the signed undertaking to HDB committing to complete the sale of your sole existing property within the period stipulated in the undertaking. )
3. 因为有一方小于30岁,我们的情况属不属于Staggered Down payment Scheme (SDS)?如果成立,首付的话(EC),应该准备5%+(3%-5400)+5%?
4. 如果我们可以买EC,什么时间可以开始买?又可以买什么时间的EC(TOP在2017年初?还是Legal completion date?)?
5. EC中的TOP,Legal completion date,和key collection date的区别?

该帖荣获当日十大第5,奖励楼主10分以及15华新币,时间:2013-05-25 22:00:01。

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谢谢 saltwater   (20 bytes , 231reads )
好详细,学习了。。。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 117reads )